iPhone Small World 2 (By Asmodee Digital)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. Shatner's hairpiece

    Shatner's hairpiece Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2009
    Very surprised not to see an iphone version of this game. I would have bought it right away. I'm guessing it's just too large for a small screen.
  2. Howlingwolf

    Howlingwolf Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Just picked this up getting the gist of the game rules already tutorial and quick instructions help alot . Overall so far it's very enjoyable and well put together so much so I purchased the 2 expansion packs swell :)
  3. maikelg

    maikelg Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    #123 maikelg, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010
    Yes, please bring Small World to the iPod/iPhone. I'm sure it can be done by zooming in/out the map on retina display. Come on Days of Wonder, make us happy!

    Edit: I put the video from the first page on my iPod to test how the map would look on a smaller screen and everything is still perfectly visible, the different regions are not even that small to look at. I assume it's still very playable on smaller devices. It might even be possible to do without zooming the map and just buttons to hide/show the actions.
  4. MartiNZ

    MartiNZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    Any word at all on this coming to iPhone? What about work on the expansions that have come since to the boardgame?

    I am tempted by the iPad 2, and it would help to know support for SW is going to carry on.
  5. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    This game so badly needs multiplayer :(

    I really want multi device iPad play.


    Please? Do and I will buy buy buy :)
  6. badmanj

    badmanj Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Software developer
    Reading, England
    Is there any AI with this or is it purely Pass and Play? Some of the app store reviews imply the latter which is a bit painful...

  7. Finandir

    Finandir Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 7, 2010
    #127 Finandir, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
    It definitely supports playing against a built-in AI. The AI is surprisingly good considering all of the combination of races and powers that are possible in the game.

    That being said, the game does work remarkably well for 2 players. I've played a few games with the iPad on a table between the two players. The UI automatically flips around to face the other player when you complete your turn. So, pass and play doesn't actually require passing the iPad anywhere. I'd love to see multiplayer online support added to the game as well, though.
  8. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    Days of Wonder appears to be pouring all of its resources into Memoir '44 Online. Which, to give them credit, is a fantastic game.

    However, that leaves no time or resources for things such as Small World, which is clearly in dire need of some sort of update. At the very least, the option for 3 or 4 players needs to be added; that 2-player map has become incredibly stale.
  9. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Is this game 2 players only even when playing AI? I've never played the real game, but not having the option to play it 3 or 4 players is a big turnoff to buying this. I hope Days of Wonder will put some renewed effort into developing this game. I also really hope they give is a (good) version of Ticket to Ride sometime soon.
  10. Finandir

    Finandir Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 7, 2010
    Yes, this is a 2 player only version of Smallworld. While it does actually play well as a 2 player game, I would also like to see support for 3-5 players like the board game itself.
  11. Folgers66

    Folgers66 Active Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    From an e-mail response to my question to Days of Wonder about the possibility of an update/expansions...

    "Small World for iPad will benefit from a new update including bug fixes and new features (no date announced yet)."

    So, something to look forward to...hopefully sooner rather than later.
  12. Blublub

    Blublub Active Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Absolutely brilliant implementation of a stellar boardgame. Would love to see it catch up with the paper expansions and possibly add more than 2-player multiplayer, though...
  13. HMAudio

    HMAudio Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2010
    Audio Designer
    I've really enjoyed the boardgame of this, and I'm really eager to try out the video game. Mostly because having to count up score at the end of each round is starting to get tedious, remembering who reconquered what and where.
  14. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    While far from a master at this game personally, I was damn impressed that the AI could keep up with the game's zillions possible race/ability combinations and not pull some generic catchall strategy but actually using its current combo in a credible way considering its current situation.

    While I'd love to see the ability to add more players, I would lose my mental marbles if they added the expansion that adds countless random events (Tales & Legends)!
  15. Shatner's hairpiece

    Shatner's hairpiece Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2009
    Could be a good game in here but one major problem gives it one star rating: The game forces you to sit opposite sides of the iPad, and for one player the map and pieces are always upside down. Who's brilliant idea was this? I buy all the board games and this is the first one that gave us a headache. Constantly had to flip the iPad around when taking turns and still one player has to read the map and opposing player pieces upside down. I appreciate the exercise but this not what I bought it for. Why is there a picture called 'travel mode' of a couple sitting next to each other in the set up screen? That implies you have a choice for viewing mode but there is none. No options screen! Was only able to play barely one game before she got a headache from having to look at the upside down map and tiles. MY view was normal so I totally understood why she got fed up with the game. For an expensive $8 app, (when I told her what I paid for the game she was incredulous after being forced to play it upside down) I expect to be able play it comfortably, in normal side by side mode, with the map and all pieces easy to read for 2 players. Could be a good game in here but we'll never know because we deleted it after a half hour of the forced orientation. Who sits on opposite sides of an iPad for a two player board game? Hello? Most couples sit NEXT to each other. At least give us a choice! This is the first I've ever seen a board game that doesn't keep the board in normal view and I have bought all the top board game adaptions in the app store. Would have complained directly about this to days of wonder but they don't even have an email on their website. Refund being processed.
  16. Finandir

    Finandir Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 7, 2010
    Well, as one of the non-couples playing this game occasionally in two player mode, I appreciate this working like a regular board game. I really appreciate the fact that it adjusts the view for the 2nd player so that they don't have to view it upside down. I suspect there are more non-couples playing this.

    On the other hand, a choice of how it works would be even better. As would some more DLC, support for more than 2 players, and online play.
  17. socalkdg

    socalkdg Active Member

    Dec 10, 2010
    #137 socalkdg, Apr 19, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2011
    A 1 rating because you can't figure out how to sit side by side and not have to look at the game upside down? Now I've heard everything. Sit on the couch, turn the game 90°, put it flat between the two of you, angle your bodies towards each other just a bit, and your all set. :cool:
  18. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    Tell me you're joking. You'd give a 1-star rating for a non-issue like this?

    Little hint for you: if you'd ever played an actual physical boardgame, you might have noticed that the other players' pieces are almost always oriented away from you. It's human nature: people want their own pieces to face them. The more you start spreading players around the table, the worse it can get (depending on the game). But no one actually whines about it.

    And SW doesn't "force" you to sit anywhere; that's just flat-out untrue. I've played dozens of side-by-side games. The screen rotates automatically; it couldn't possibly be any easier. In fact, I prefer to play SW side-by-side ... so, gee whiz, I guess the game forgot to "force" me not to do it, huh? :rolleyes:
  19. Shatner's hairpiece

    Shatner's hairpiece Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2009
    I think you guys are not getting it. It doesn't matter if you sit side by side or on opposite sides of the Ipad. The only thing that stays 'straight' is the bottom bar with your name on it, which is insignificant. The map and opponent's pieces are always upside down for one player in a two player game. This was enough to give my wife a headache after 20 minutes, and I thought for an $8 game, it was ridiculous. Would it be difficult for them to add an option to keep the board and tiles right side up for both players and just switch out the bottom bar each turn?

    Look, if 'small world' THINKS they are doing everyone a favor by forcing an upside down view of map/tiles on one player in a two player game, they can think again. It's not conducive to pleasant gaming. What makes this even more hilarious is that they actually included a picture of a couple sitting side by side in the 'set up' screen next to the picture of the couple sitting on opposite sides of the ipad, as IF you can choose an option, and pick an orientation you want. Sorry! The set up screen doesn't do anything. It does not give you a choice as the photos imply.

    Doesn't matter how good the game might be, (it's just okay and far overhyped from the position it currently holds in BGG), a lousy interface is going to turn people off it. They just lost my business.

    Uh...no. When I play board games, no one is sitting with an upside down view of the board. We view it from the same side of the couch. Maybe if you have a lot of players, but come on, this is an IPAD game. 99% of the time, it will be played by ONE or at most, TWO people.

    If this is such a great feature to sit opposite sides, and STILL have to look at an upside down board and tiles, why aren't all the other top tier board game adaptions using it? Carcasonne...no. Samurai...no. Medici...no. RA...no. Neroshima Hex...no. Etc. Etc. Small world is the first time I've seen it, and it sucks.

    I can see that one player might not be so bad as the AI doesn't care, but still, even playing it that way, when the AI picks his new race after decline, you can't even see what he's taking because again, when you're looking at what he picks, it's upside down. Comical. Deleted. Refunded.
  20. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    Whining. Didn't read. Try Candyland.

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