iPhone Small World 2 (By Asmodee Digital)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. Shatner's hairpiece

    Shatner's hairpiece Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2009
    WHINING = money back = WINNING.

    I couldn't care less if you read it or not. It's not meant for you, it's meant for DOW.

    I have the Candyland app. Great interface.
  2. badmanj

    badmanj Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Software developer
    Reading, England
    I just bought this and...

    It looks great but the interface really is wrong in the way it handles 2 players, I have to agree. It's not a gamebreaker but it could really do with some more thought - or at least a simple game option to let you choose how you want it to behave. The default (current) way is really wrong - the second player has their counters and text etc one way round and the board upside down... why should they have to play like that, given this is a computer-driven interface, not a real board? Crazy.

    Mind you, I don't agree with giving it a 1 star review as a result - that's a bit harsh!

  3. cherdman

    cherdman Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2010
    Great post. I'll avoid this game until fixed. That would drive me nuts too.
  4. Gh05t

    Gh05t Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    #144 Gh05t, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2011
    Look I don't like the upside board view either but I believe that they were attempting to replicate the physical experience of the board game - which in many cases involve players sitting around a table with the board in the center.

    The other examples of "board games" given are more pass and play experiences rather than using the iPad in liew of the physical board itself - yes its a minor differentiation but there seems to be method behind the madness.

    don't get me wrong it would be excellent if they could implement an auto rotate based on turn but I'd imagine that it would be equally headache inducing to see the rotate transition every turn. Sure they could choose to implement it in a different manner and if they did I'd give them all the credit in the world - but really, is it a deal breaker? Not for me.

    By having the iPad act as the board you almost need to maintain a certain semblance of consistency in terms of board game space - where as the other player makes his/her moves you can still look at the board in a consistent view in order to plan your strategy; to have the board flip every turn would be confusing when it came back to your turn. Again, I'm just trying to understand the rationale and I see some actual valid points in favor of keeping the view consistent for the sake of strategy and gameplay.
  5. badmanj

    badmanj Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Software developer
    Reading, England
    Why replicate an aspect of physical gaming that is actually a negative that is possible to completely overcome with this medium? At least provide this as a quirky option, not the default and only way.

  6. socalkdg

    socalkdg Active Member

    Dec 10, 2010
    Small World has a face to face mode, and a side by side mode. It was added in an update.

    In face to face, it shows your units facing you, your opponents units facing them. All text faces the player when its your turn. The map is neutral and can be seen from any direction.

    In side by side mode, you pass the ipad back in forth, and everything faces one direction.

    Go to YouTube, search small world ipad, and watch some gameplay.

    This is easily the best 2 player turn based game on the market for the Ipad. It also now has an AI as well.

    The only thing it could use would be up to 4 player play.
  7. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    #147 LordGek, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2011
    Wow, please show me this video or even this side by side option as I have the latest version with no such option. Are you sure you weren't simply watching a demo of the online game?

    Edit: Okay, now I get it BUT this side by side is only viable for play vs. a live opponent, the AI is still always displayed upside down.
  8. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I'm looking forward to hearing what the new features will be in the update. I hope it will include more then 2 player play as well as online. That would make for a sale. I want to try this game, but knowing that it's limited to two players, unlike the real game, and lacks online is discouraging. I'll take one of the two, though, and hope the other comes in another update.
  9. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    SW really does need an update. As much as I've enjoyed it, I really can't bear to look at that 2-player map any longer; I can't remember the last time I played. Options for three and/or four players are just about mandatory at this point.

    The reality, though, is that Days of Wonder has been pouring all of its computing resources into Memoir '44 Online, which is a non-iOS project. They're doing a great job with Memoir ... but that doesn't exactly help a new version of SW to arrive.
  10. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Did I miss a post, is there actually an update in the works or is this still based from their vague and hazy promises last year of an update at some point this year?
  11. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    I'd go with "vague and hazy" at this point. Even the official DoW forums are gathering cobwebs. If it ain't Memoir '44, they don't seem to care ...
  12. socalkdg

    socalkdg Active Member

    Dec 10, 2010
    Correct, AI is still playing a face to face game with you, thus his pieces are face him, while your pieces face you.

    The complaint above was that two people sat next to each other and they didn't like the way the game was upside down. The last update on Small World last year added the side by side version exactly for this reason to go along with the face to face version.
  13. Blublub

    Blublub Active Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Couldn't agree more. I sure hope this isn't lost in all the silliness about screen orientation.

    Hopefully they'll offer the remaining expansions now out for the board game as IAPs.
  14. badmanj

    badmanj Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Software developer
    Reading, England
    #154 badmanj, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2011
    It's not 'silliness' if it clearly irritates so many people and could be so easily resolved with a little care and attention from the Devs.

    Good UI design and customer care never hurt anyone!

    Oh... and can anyone play their own music in this? Clicking the 'play' button after selecting a track does absolutely nothing for me (iPad2).

  15. zilog

    zilog Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    True, it's a great game & the UI is slick in all other respects but this has always bothered me a little. Plus, still waiting on those expansions...
  16. socalkdg

    socalkdg Active Member

    Dec 10, 2010
    But its not "so many" people. Its a few people, and they may not being using the side by side mode that is now offered.
  17. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    But it is "silliness" to publicly announce that you're giving the game a 1-star rating and demanding a refund. See also: "petulant" and "childish."
  18. Shatner's hairpiece

    Shatner's hairpiece Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2009
    Oh, the shame! I feel real 'silly' getting my money back for a lousy interface that not ONE other board game dev has implemented. My wife also feels childish for getting a headache over DOW's poor design choices. I feel 'petulant' for using that refunded money on a much better board game adaption: Tikal, which was $2 cheaper. I couldn't even sleep last night because of the guilt.

    Maybe one day I'll 'grow up' and learn to suffer through poor design without complaining.

    If you spend $8 for a game you played twenty minutes and deleted, and 'didn't' ask for a refund, see also: 'idiot'. I rank overall experience of the total package and twenty minutes before delete is one star.

    Seriously, I have my money back and I still have the game. Even free, it stays deleted because of a poor two player interface.

    Do you work for DOW? Maybe ease up on the 'petulant' and start working on fixing the problem.
  19. Shatner's hairpiece

    Shatner's hairpiece Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2009

    And maybe you haven't noticed, but this board is about giving input on games, warning others away from bad designs, recommending good designs, etc. If I'm childish for saving someone else the hassle of this 'feature', then who knows what you are for posting nuggets like 'whining, didn't read, try candyland.'

    Hey, please continue TO NOT READ me so I don't have to respond to your garbage.
  20. Blublub

    Blublub Active Member

    Sep 24, 2009

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