So if I write reviews for a site can I put it on my sig?

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by GatorDeb, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. GatorDeb

    GatorDeb Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    - Can I put it on my sig?
    - Can I tell people about it? I.e. Hey I wrote a review.
    - Can I copy and paste the review into a thread instead of sending people to the review site?
    - Does it make a difference whether the site has ads or not?
  2. ibelongintheforums

    ibelongintheforums Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    No self promotion outside signature and on your wall.
    Now if some one else gave a link not from the website it would be different. You can post your review here just no linking to where it normally is outside your signature
  3. GatorDeb

    GatorDeb Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    So my sig could say

    "I write reviews at jgfdjfdjfdk"

    and then I can just go into any thread and write "I wrote a review for it, here it is:"

  4. Big Albie

    Big Albie Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
    Casual gamer/marketing dude
    San Francisco, California
    Note that ibitf has links to other TA forum threads, iTunes games and even a plea for helping in buying his next game. The only thing we're missing are the Flickr pics :rolleyes:
  5. ibelongintheforums

    ibelongintheforums Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Yea just don't post a link in the thread
    What I like to do is create a shortened review and post it here an in my sig I write

    That way it they have a link to the full review and it looks like it's apart of the post but your not breaking rules
  6. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    So, the basic rule is "no self promotion" with the exception of developers promoting their games/apps.

    That means you can't promote your blog, youtube channel, reviews you've written on other sites. That includes links, of course, but also any other round-about references (click my sig, visit my site, go google this site).

    Basically, if you are posting for the purpose of driving traffic to your site/review/etc, it's not allowed.

    We do allow people to add links to their signature links within reason. Overly flashy sigs or people posting useless posts just to get their sig out there is not "within reason" and will result in warnings/bans.

    I've said this before, but the reason we don't allow it is not because we're mean or because we are afraid of competition. When we did allow it, it resulted in a lot of spam that brought down the forums significantly. When people have something to gain personally, they will abuse the system. And people always try to get around it... so we are very strict about this.

    To answer your questions

    - Can I put it on my sig?

    Yes. "within reason"

    - Can I tell people about it? I.e. Hey I wrote a review.

    No. If you like a game, tell people why you like it. Don't tell people you wrote a review on some other site.

    - Can I copy and paste the review into a thread instead of sending people to the review site?

    I suppose so. If you are adding value to the thread and not doing it to promote your site, then yes. (But you can not reference the site, as it will simply encourage people mass copy/posting their reviews here.)

    - Does it make a difference whether the site has ads or not?

    Makes no difference.

  7. coconutbowling

    coconutbowling Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2008
    So is my siganature within reason? I have my youtube account linked, but if necessary, I will remove it.
  8. GatorDeb

    GatorDeb Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    Thanks, arn, that answered all my questions :)
  9. spmwinkel

    spmwinkel Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    I can't imagine that it isn't. It's not like you created an animated gif with lots of flashing colors, exclamation marks and a large font guiding people to your YT page. :)

    (Not even sure we can put images in our sig, never tried.)
  10. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    yep, it's fine.

  11. coconutbowling

    coconutbowling Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2008
    Thanks arn.
  12. GatorDeb

    GatorDeb Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    #12 GatorDeb, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
    arn, another question.

    I have more of a blog than a "review site." There's no ads and no sponsor banners. At all. I can see myself a few months down the line adding adsense to it to see if it generates revenue and then further on down the line getting my own domain and do the whole shebang with ads and banners. Maybe not. But for now the site is all about the reviews and nothing else.

    WHILE the site is in its current state (please take a look), is it ok to post that I did a review? It's really different than all the review sites I've seen which are full of ads and banners. I think it would benefit people as I'm looking to do 5-10 reviews a week and I do them all myself. I'd love to be able to let people know I've reviewed a game with my impressions in each game's thread.

    And really outside of having an audience, I get no tangible benefit out of one more person going to the site or not (which is different at a site with ads). I'm not paid per view (I'm not paid at all heh). I do it because I love games and writing about them. And this can only benefit the developers as their games get more exposure.

    Thanks! :)
  13. s0mah

    s0mah Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2008
    failing PHY tests
    little town of bethlehem
    #13 s0mah, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
    Yes! Arn, plz allow this to occur.

    Another amateur journalist desperate to spam the games section with quaint, conforming, and redundant reviews, could only nurture and inevitably heal that shithole.
  14. GatorDeb

    GatorDeb Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    How many reviews did you read fully to reach this conclusion?
  15. s0mah

    s0mah Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2008
    failing PHY tests
    little town of bethlehem
    iDevice game reviews, or yours in general?

    If you are referring your own personal blog, then:

    I saw the Counterbalance one and thought, omg a unique game review! Too bad what you wrote was a walkthrough. imo, submit that one to GameFAQs.

    Every Galaga Remix review ever written honestly seems to be a copy/cut/paste job from some universal OFFICIAL RETRO GAME ADJECTIVES codex. Great! Galaga is retro, with retro graphics, and blares that ultimate retro sound. The gameplay is totally retro which is great! I mean, except when the gameplay does something really retro like tap to fire-then retro means bad.

    I only skimmed through Astro-Sphere. I've probably skimmed that review at least 5 times, on at least 5 different review sites. I'll probably skim 5 more as I close mai browser. Then probably another 10 as my cpu shuts down. Identical reviews 4every1!

    What's funny though is that even after typing this, you're prob better than all of teh slide2play hacks + hodapp combined.

    I'm not sure what that's saying though.
  16. GatorDeb

    GatorDeb Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    #16 GatorDeb, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
    Well you know if 10 people are reviewing the same game the reviews might resemble each other :p

    Counterbalance is hard to explain which is why I did a mini-walkthrough for one level in the review. It does cover more than how to play, though.

    Remember these are my first reviews ever ;) I'd say I can only get better with time.
  17. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    Sorry, it doesn't matter if you are making money or not on the site. If you want to share your thoughts on a game, just post your impressions in the forums.

    But we don't allow outside site links as it encourages spamming.

  18. pablo19

    pablo19 Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2008
    On a side note, Hoddap encourages spamming, not this type but it's spamming and found offensive by some nonetheless. check "Welcome (best thread on TA)" thread in the lounge;)
  19. s0mah

    s0mah Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2008
    failing PHY tests
    little town of bethlehem
    This was my exact point.

    Roughly 99% of the TA posters who think that they matter, have some dumb or twitter review site attached to their sig. Follow any random signature url, and you will discover that roughly 100% of the aforementioned people recite the same dumb information, with the same dumb words, concerning the same dumb games, in the exact same dumb way.

    Just keep piling them to the sky, afiac.

    Nothing against you btw (I like you marginally more than the average TA user), but spam is spam.
  20. DaveMc99

    DaveMc99 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2009
    Seattle, WA USA
    Curious.. if you are not here to read what the average TA user thinks about games.. why do you spend time here?

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