Universal So, why the stickman must died?

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by FVS, Dec 1, 2017.

  1. FVS

    FVS Active Member

    May 1, 2015
    #1 FVS, Dec 1, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
    This idle mad game (also the last one I'll make in 2017) is nothing but killing the stickman in many fantastical ways possible.
    Here's a preview (for more, visit: http://hyperurl.co/BeatStickmanFp):
    It's so fun to watch all weapons you'ved unlocked interact with the stickman. If you want to "kill him yourself", so you can tap on the screen to manually hit or throw brick at him or shake the phone to make him move.
    What's more?
    Beside main weapons, you can draw a random card that will have its own rarity and an unique effect (like give you ability to throw Hammer instead of brick, or divide the stick into 2 smaller bodies, or throw him into a black hole,...some magic like that) to add more fun to the playground.
    And for the sake of your experimenting, after unlock all the main weapons you'll be able to turn on/off each weapon, tweak time scale,…and so on.
    So, why the stickman must die again? The answer is simple: for your entertainment. We’ll all get stressed sometimes, we need sometimes “strong enough” to cool us down, that’s when this little super durable friend comes in, just watching him die and die again can help you a lot (well, actually I’m not sure, because the game’s not released yet, but it does help me already, so I guess!).
    There’s still more, of course, you’ll be able to use photo of the face of the person you…well…you temporarily kind of don’t like very much as the stickman’s face and see what will happen ^^
    And there will be even more if this game turns out to be loved by many players like you, because…you know, life of an indie game devloper is hard and there’s just only me making this game so I jus can not afford to put all the awesome stuff at 1 release.
    Thanks for your time ;)
    P.s: the stickman, he just can’t wait to be tortured by you. Make sure you stay tuned by follow this thread or get youself updated more quickly by follow the Facebook page: http://hyperurl.co/BeatStickmanFp

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