iPhone [Soft Launch CA] The Elder Scrolls: Legends (by Bethesda)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Morolord, Oct 7, 2016.

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  1. Morolord

    Morolord Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2013
    old soft launch thread
  2. Tinsel

    Tinsel Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2008
    A great port of a great game. I prefer this over HS, Shadowverse, Duelyst, and Faeria (at the moment).

    The arenas are crazy fun (and you can even do solo arenas against bot opponents with great rewards), and the port includes all of the functionality of the PC game.

    The beta "starter bundle" is available for the same price in both the iOS and PC apps, so if you're a U.S. player that cannot make purchases in this soft-launched CA app, just download the PC version, buy the bundle there, and it will reflect immediately in the iOS version.
  3. PBSNellie

    PBSNellie Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2013
    Southern CA
    That worked! Thanks for the tip.
  4. Techzamazing

    Techzamazing Well-Known Member

  5. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Ohhh I thought it was coming to iPhone too
  6. Morolord

    Morolord Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2013
    It's still coming to iPhone. They are just launching iPad first.
  7. skeerup

    skeerup Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2010
    Anyone else having crashing problems? After every match I get the rewards and when it cuts to the story it crashes. I open the app again, play the next match and crash. Rinse, wash, repeat. IPad mini first gen.
  8. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    This soft launch iPad only?
  9. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    #9 Ayjona, Oct 18, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2016
    So, I fired up the Legends PC beta a few months back expecting to mutter a bit and grumble under my breath and curmudgeon ever so slightly, musing pointedly over the halcyanide days of TCGs, telling anyone who would (prefer not to) listen how a larger number of pre-determined mechanics and play phases and victory conditions, longer text blocks on cards, inter-turn responses, more flexible deck building, manual and non-linear mana buildup and so many other artifacts of a dead design paradigm all contribute a much broader scope and higher skill cap and depth as well as width of strategy and creates a greater space for the unexpected and reactive play which in turns place much higher demands on pre-emptive deck construction and...

    ...all that fun, jazzy stuff the chat log of any attempt to reinvigorate a genre should fill up with, to ensure that players new to the phenomenon never quite feel they are getting the whole experience.

    And I still think I was kinda right. But there was very little grumbling. Here's why:

    TESL is not the second coming of the digital CCG. And for those of us who are still huffy over the absence of the sadistically intricate TCGs of the lost age of dreams, Legends will not fill that masochistic void.

    But it might tide you over until FFG announce a digital LCG client to go with the L5R refresh at Gen Con Indy 2017 (which, as implausible as it sounds, it still a better bet than Wizards fixing up Magic Duels). And perhaps beyond that.

    Because more than any other proud clone in denial before it - yes, even the game I previously said did this more than any other proud clone in denial before it - TESL mixes up the formula with mechanics and design that adds not only a more open-ended space for strategy and variety beyond the safe and comfortable but extremely confining walls of of stone and hearth, but also a solid chunk of tactical depth that even 90s design apologists such as myself can appreciate.

    We’re still auto-incrementing mana and drawing one measly card by the turn. We are still left to stare in vain and spam emotes when our opponents act. We still win by melting face. We still focus most of our efforts on putting beasties on the board. And the random is still strong with this one.

    But text blocks are a little longer, effects are a little more plentiful and mechanics more intricate, deck construction is a good bit more flexible, there is an actual graveyard to rob, there are more persistent board effects, and many summons do a little bit more than just claw madly at whatever is in front of them.

    Oh, and there are lanes and runes and prophecies, the first two of which actually contribute to the fun. I’ll leave the pleasure of discovery to you. I don’t actually consider them the real source of Legends appeal and staying power. But they do help prevent steamrolling and facilitate comebacks, and alleviate several smaller issues inherent to the simple digital CCG paradigm.

    As a result of all the above, cards do some more stuff, decks are less predictable, interactions are a bit less formulaic, randomization is just a bit less random, synergies are more synergetic and both harder and more rewarding to achieve, there are more venues for board control, counter strategies and combos, and there is a general sense of freedom of choice and consequence of skill that elevates Legends above all other digital CCGs of the same archetype.

    Or in other words: you don't always go face.

    And boy, how good it is to not always go face.

    And there is actual free single player content with a consistent narrative. And lore and atmosphere that make *some* sense, and do this without being completely awkward *all* of the time (and that are rooted in one of the most thorough, feature-complete, rich, detailed, well-penned and enthusiastically narrated computer games settings in history, the highest of low bars). And presentation that yields nearly as much immersion as any competitive online CCG ever will (Duelyst immerses just a bit harder, though).

    And there is a single player arena/draft mode. And achievable titles and ranks and more ranks and card rewards for placement and oh, my.

    In-currency/card gain - while not the altruistic charity initiative of Duelyst - is more generous than the norm, chiefly thanks to a higher cap on daily win rewards. But also thanks to the quite generous single player campaign.

    I can’t think of anything there is less off but the cards themselves (for now). But the fact that I don’t even notice bodes well for Legends’ design principles. And for us that enjoy them.

    The iOS-specific interaction elements of the tablet port are smooth and pro, and the rest of the client is exactly like the PC version, looks and feel and UI (which is a good thing, unless you have a clinical addiction to bright colours and things that make funny noises when you prod them). I so do hope Dire Wolf don’t take cues from Blizzard’s inexplicably antagonistic decision to have us tap our hands before we can drag cards from it on the iPhone.

    Too long, would have preferred a BuzzFeed video: Not quite but also not quite not Hearthstone. But with wider and deeper strategy, smarter and smoother UI, more and more fun stuff to do, greater requirements AND tactical rewards for skill, fewer but better cards, quite possibly less random, lore that is actually mostly coherent and immersion that occasionally actually immerses.

    Yea, yea, not even this trumpian wall of text can blind neither myself nor you to the reality of endangered elitism: we will still ramble with badly hidden snobbery in forums about just how good card games could have been if every dev catered to our miniature market segment, until Fantasy Flight finally gets their stuff together and risk their good name and full coffers on the very dubious assumption that a format based around the personal meeting and hardcore enthusiasm will translate into a digital realm already dominated by the accessible. The pinnacle of Hearthstone permutations such as Duelyst and Legends still only represent the bare minimums in mechanical complexity and variety our marginalized, basement-bound group of game design misanthropes require to invest time, money, sentiment and all functions thereof into a competitive online card game.

    But if Counterplay can just hurry up that iOS port, Legends and Duelyst might almost make us forget a time when we were samurai, pirates, netrunners and mad with possibility...
  10. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    This Reddit post does a good job of presenting TESL's case to veterans of Hearthstone and other digital CCGs.

    For those who are still unspoiled by the cCCG pandemic, there has probably never been a better time to start, and likely not a better way to start than with Elder Scrolls Legends.
  11. Crazyboy423

    Crazyboy423 Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2014
    I have no sound on my iPad 4. Still waiting for an update
  12. Tinsel

    Tinsel Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2008
    This may be the best card game out there right now (though I am warming up to Eternal!). It is super easy to get the PC version of this game, and it will link right up with the iPad version (either now if you have or don't mind making a CA iTunes account, or when it releases worldwide).

    In addition to having great mechanics and gameplay, they are being VERY generous with how easily (and cheaply) players are able to grow their collection. I have only been playing the game for about a month now and my collection stat is at 81%. Granted that stat does not account for a full play set of cards but I think it took me around 6 months to get to this close for the base set in Hearthstone.

    I also make enough gold to consistently have enough to do ten or more arenas (solo or versus), and I generally do an arena once a day.

    Super fun, and they are just THROWING gold and cards at you. I hope everyone at least tries the iPad or PC version.
  13. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    #13 Ayjona, Jan 3, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
    I must say, Solo Arena - as humdrum as the feature might sound - might be one of the bigger innovations and attractions of TESL.

    For new'uns, this is a single player analogy to the draft format Hearthstone popularized as Arena - you draft a small deck through semi-random picks, and then battle opponents until you've lost three matches (or defeated 8 regular opponents and a boss, in the case of TESL's Solo Arena).

    What makes the single player arena mode so awesome is that once you establish some basic familiarity with how to draft decks, weight cards, general play strategy and how to exploit the AIs idiosyncracies, you have a potentially never-ending, self-sustaining source of potent progression, without the wonderfully exciting but sometimes intrusive or demanding tension of matching up against real players.

    It is also resistant to connection loss and interruptions, since AI matches can be interrupted and resumed freely. As such, it's the ideal companion for those long deep orbit debacles, polar perils and other spotty connection scenarios that would have me ostracized from the TESL community before too long if I insisted on multiplayer.

    And the rewards are Duelyst-level lavish - on my current rank (Solo Arena has descending ranks of increasing difficulty, with 8 opponents and one boss per rank), I frequently net one-two card packs (100 gold worth each), 50+ gold and a rare card from one arena run. That's 350+ gold for the cost of a 150 gold ticket. (And since Solo Arena matches also count towards daily quests, you make additional gold from quest rewards as you go.)

    As a result, I can always afford a new arena ticket and play the mode continually, no grinding required, and splurge on quite a few packs (in addition to the reward packs from Arena) in between.

    In addition to the Pure Fun™ (and boy, it is fun, sometimes more than multiplayer), this might be one of the best and most convenient ways I've found to acquire the basic skills, card/gameplay familiarity as well as the actual cards to attack the ladder, multiplayer arena and casual mode with some initial success.

    It's smartly counterintuitive, a venue for progression, card collection and multiplayer training for players who'd prefer to avoid multiplayer in a PvP game. There in lies the brilliance.
  14. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    How can I get this please?
  15. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
  16. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    It just needs to be on iPhone. But the problem is that they've adopted a very small text approach. Clicking to enlarge cards does very little enlargement at all. I don't know if there's plans to bring this to iPhone or if it's even possible anymore.
  17. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    iPhone support is confirmed. Tablet and desktop release first, however.
  18. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Good to know, thanks. I'll check back then. Interested to see just how similar (or not) the phone UI is and how long between releases for the respective devices.
  19. zergslayer69

    zergslayer69 Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2010
    Since so many posters have praised the solo mode, does this game have an offline portion? Or once they pull the plug everything is gone?
  20. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    iPad only dammit
    Can anyone say if this will always be iPad only
    Been waiting for this one bad :(
    I even have a Canada account

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