Do you need sound effects for your games? Good news — 500 sound effects, for use in your iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad games, are now available for the mere price of $10. That's only 2¢ per sound. I worked hard to complete this collection. I think if you liked The Unofficial GameSalad Textbook, then you might appreciate this sound effects collection. Together they're great resources for getting started on iOS game development. If you're interested in learning more about the "Sound Effects — By Photics" collection, you can visit my website... I researched Hollywood and classic radio sound production techniques to create many of these sounds. I also used some of my own creative techniques to add a certain uniqueness to the project. I'm impressed with the way these sound files turned out. Others are too. See THIS THREAD for feedback from game developers. All of the sound files are .wav, mono, 44100Hz... which is great for iOS game development. These sounds are not limited to just games. You can use them in movies, songs and website. (They are not permitted to be standalone... like with a soundboard app... nor is it permitted to redistribute the files.) The license agreement is very developer friendly. You don't even have to mention "Photics" in your app. If you do use these sounds in your app, and you want to list the source of these files on your credits, you can put "Sound Effects By Photics" in your game. If you do, you might want to send me a promo code too. I might mention it on my website. I'm looking forward to seeing what games are created with these sounds.
If you're wondering what the effects sound like, I've been releasing a free sample on Wednesdays. Each article has a free sample and a sound tutorial. Here are links to the first two articles... Heart Monitor Coconut Hit
I'm not sure. It's only available through / Google Checkout. Fortunately, the third sound effect sample and mini GameSalad tutorial is online. This week's free sample is Boop #3.
Yup, got the mail. For $10 the package is a huuuuuge bargain. The sounds are great and the license is permissive enough to allow mixing/editing them.
It seems that Lulu is having a Friday The Thirteenth sale, and it's continuing throughout the weekend. So if you've been thinking about purchasing a copy of the sound effects, or if you need some sound effects for your apps, this might be a good opportunity for you... The sound effects are normally $12.99. That's a low price for 500 sound effects. With 20% off, it's even cheaper! For more information about the sound effects, you can visit the official web page... Link to ordering page
somehow i can find a preview of the sound files, and i don't mean the wed. samples but from the hole package.. do you have a page where one can listen to the hole content of your package to see if there is something usefull in there for potential customers?
There isn't a preview of all 500 sounds. So, it is a bit of a risk to purchase these sounds. However, you can visit this thread... ...and see feedback from other customers. They seemed happy with their purchase.
Wow... it looks like there's another sale at Lulu. This one is better than the one before... So if you're thinking about picking up a copy of the sound effects, this is a great opportunity. (Actually, I'm not even sure if this code is going to work. With 25% off, Lulu is taking in less money than what they're supposed to pay me.) Here's the link again...
It seems that the coupon code works. Someone on the GameSalad forum posted that they just "saved over 3 bucks".