Universal Spellbinders by Kiloo and Funday Factory (Beta Test)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Kiloo_Jeppe, Apr 1, 2016.

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  1. barefootdragon

    barefootdragon Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
    This is awesome. Can't wait to sink a whole day into it. Thank you.
  2. barefootdragon

    barefootdragon Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
    Fantastic fast and fun. Thank you. Will be sinking a lot of time on this bad boy. Cheers!
  3. Caminagetcha

    Caminagetcha Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2008
    Can't play.... Always getting an error saying something went wrong :(
  4. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    Game was running smooth until I connected to Facebook.
    Now it's crashing every time on loading screen.

    Great game tho, loving it so far
  5. Paddy27

    Paddy27 Member

    Apr 5, 2016
    Well with me I got to play one match against a player now it keeps saying I disconnected,but the game is very well done I really like it
  6. computermilk

    computermilk New Member

    Apr 5, 2016

    WTH is happening in this game?

    Thanks very much for the invite.. but as far as things are currently designed this is an uninstall if nothing changes.

    Rants and Cons -

    Go to play people and they are 85 health and i'm 50. wtf?

    Being spammed by the lich hero's units when you're still sitting there waiting for enough mana to spawn ONE SINGLE UNIT

    Are people cheating? because i'm noticing multiple freezes or ability uses in a row, it's all spam.

    I've finished some games with only doing 1 or 2 points of damage the ENTIRE game to people and the screen is filled with enemy units, when i spawn one it's instantly destroyed with ABILITY spam. How the @#@# did they have enough mana to not only spam the board but then destroy my one single unit the moment it leaves the tunnel?

    Game is a balancing disaster.
  7. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    The game is in TestFlight BETA..not even soft launched.
    Bugs and balancing issues are to be expected, no need to rant like an idiot. Instead, provide constructive feedback so the developer can address issues. Most of your complaints are "learn to play" issues.

    You're lucky you got a TestFlight beta invite, so stop behaving like an entitled jerk.
  8. epickev

    epickev Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Sep 24, 2015
    Account Manager
    New Zealand
    Having a lot of fun.

    I have posted bugs to the form link.

    When I win a match by getting the last hit with the 3 x canon hit it crashes #

    So powerfull it kills the game #
  9. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    Hey guys,

    A lot of fantastic response in this thread already! We value both the kind words and the bugs/issues you have. That's what the Beta is for.

    In regards to game balance: Since this is a Beta test, the pool of players is not as big as it will be when we launch globally. That means we have had to change the matchmaking so you actually get to meet other players. It also means that there is a much greater chance you will meet someone with more upgrades, ranking and skills than yourself. At launch, the matchmaking will ensure that you meet people of the same skill level as you.

    In regards to error messages, game crashes and disconnects: This is something we take very seriously and really need your help in solving. When it happens, please note what situation you were in and fill out THIS FORM.

    @MacklinTV - Everyone here loves your video! I hope you will make another one when you are past the tutorial and start playing PVP :)

    For everyone who has yet to try out Spellbinders - this is the character you start with, the Titan "Theos".

  10. Crazyboy423

    Crazyboy423 Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2014
    #51 Crazyboy423, Apr 6, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
    I registered for the beta yesterday. Will I get an invite or did I arrive too late?

    Edit: just got an invite. Thanks
  11. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I just unlocked the next Titan today, one thing that would be nice is if on the Titans page where we can unlock them and their costumes if you made it so we can view their troops and what the troops do. As I had no idea what they did until I unlocked them myself and still have not much of a clue on the third Titans troops
  12. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    Hi guys,

    I just pushed out a new round of invites for the Beta test, so if you were waiting for it, check your e-mail.

    There will be a short maintenance starting now and lasting 5-10 minutes. The servers will be down, but you will be able to play again soon afterwards.

    @ste86uk - Good suggestion for an update! Right now, the only way to learn about units from other Titans is to play against them and figure it out on your own.
  13. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    Where do I see what my in-game name is? How do I change it ?
  14. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I wondered that too as it just says me. Also thanks to the dev, that's why I decided to try and unlock the next Titan so I could learn about the troops.
  15. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    Also, what are your thoughts on Oakroot costing 50 while Mortis is only 15?
    Is there any reasoning behind this?

    Each Titan is equal in strength but with a different play style, so it would make sense to have them equally priced. That way it's a play style choice. IMO
  16. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    I was wondering why that was as well.
  17. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Me also, maybe just so it's something to work towards? But it does seem a bit of a jump and I would like to try him. Sadly haven't had much time today so I'm nowhere on the game since getting Mortis
  18. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    #59 houseofg, Apr 6, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
    Is this game cloud saving? I am stuck on the opening screen at "downloading assets" and restarts (app or phone) don't help. I would try a reinstall but I'd hate to have to do the intro levels all over again.

    Bug report submitted.

    Edit: never mind. I plugged it in and just let it sit there. Finally loaded up. Right into the Facebook connect page, oddly. I had tried connecting to Facebook previously and it didn't work. Did this time. Not crazy about having my photo there or sharing my friends list.
  19. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    #60 Kiloo_Jeppe, Apr 7, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
    Hi everyone,

    More and more people are joining the beta. I will be rolling out another 50 invites later today.

    Your in-game name is based on your Facebook name if you login with Facebook, otherwise one is assigned to you randomly. If you log in with Facebook, your progress will be cloud saved. Don't worry about other people seeing your profile picture - only you and your Facebook friends will be able to see it.

    The Rune cost of Titans is still up in the air. We're trying to come up with price tiers that makes sense, when we add new Titans. Would love to hear your ideas on this :)

    Edit: We're having a small server maintenance at some point between 1PM and 2PM (UTC+1). The servers will be down for a couple of minutes.

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