Universal Star Traders: Frontiers (by Trese Brothers)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    WOW!!! simply... WOW!!!

    what an update, this game is for the next 5 years, at least... ;)
  2. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Tell a friend, leave a review!

    brerlappin likes this.
  3. ioso

    ioso Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2017
    Still waiting for „- added Cloud Sync support“ :D
  4. gvegas66

    gvegas66 Active Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    Yes great update and cloud support would be awesome.

    Still hoping to have the full in flight messages displayed as well. Hard to keep up during travel with just the icons.
    ioso and brerlappin like this.
  5. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Yep, we'll keep improving! Both are on the list, just a matter of priorities and roadmap commitments :D
    gvegas66 and brerlappin like this.
  6. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Update #146 starts to walk the path of the v2.5.x family of the development roadmap -- it will be story heavy, bringing all sorts of new tales, vignettes and Eras to the frontier. With Update #146, we've added new character faces, a new type of vignette focusing on an enemy Contact and their bounty hunters, improved the standard behavior of enemy Contacts who send bounty hunters, rebalanced Talents and Contact rules, made some quality of life changes to all card game operations and fixed some bugs to boot.

    If you're enjoying the updates, please leave a review and tell a friend!

    New Faces On Board
    With Update #146, we've added two new female faces to your crew roster. You can see them above in our animation environment, getting ready to be loaded into the game.

    Bounty Hunter Vignettes
    The new Aurelius Hunter vignette launches with #146 and lays out a model for future Bounty Hunter stories to overlay on top of the existing Contact and Hunter simulation.

    First, we've improved the visibility of the spice hall news entries when a Contact does send a Bounty Hunter after you. These are now visible galaxy-wide, regardless of the quadrant you and the Contact are in.

    Second, it is possible that a Contact who hates you will hire out your Death Warrant to a famed Bounty Hunter! Beware of the heir to the Aurelius bloodline of Hunters, she may come knocking holding a death warrant with your name on it.

    While only Aureilus Hunter has been added at this time, this new type of story vignette opens up a bright (and dangerous) future for Contacts to be able to send other famed hunters after you to gain their revenge.

    With Update #146, we've modified both the Bio-Poison and Smoke Bomb grenades to allow use from slot 2, making them better in line with other grenades a more versatile for their high Initiative cost.

    We've improved the missions to faction Prime worlds when they are assigned by another High Prince. We've also improved the logging about Contacts who are angered by your hostile missions, in addition to those directly affected.

    Quality of Frontier Life
    We've made a few nice changes in Update #146. First up, a strict sorting is now applied to the Talent list in all card game ops, including Explorer, Salvage, etc. This means that Talent list will never suddenly re-order when you finish using one of the stacks.

    Second, Hyperwarp Jumps now include a short blurb about the readiness of your Navigation and Hyperwarp Jump efficiency Talents. You can see -- right before making the jump -- if you're covered.

    We've fixed a few issues with the new Talent Summary screen, fixed a bug that prevented Captain from training as a Wing Tech, and fixed a loophole that allowed you to escape hostile story military captains using the Stiff Salute Talent -- that was never intended!

    Thanks to everyone for leaving a review.

    v2.5.19 - 5/2/2019
    - Added 2 new character faces
    - Added new Bounty Hunter story vignette - heir to the Aurelius bloodline comes hunting with a Death Warrant
    - New unique Bounty Hunter storylines can start when Contacts with negative Rep send bounty hunters (instead of standard BH)
    - Rebalanced Combat Medic "Bio-Poison Grenade" and Assassin "Smoke Bomb" to be used at slot 1 or 2
    - Improved Mission type of diplomatic envoy to faction Prime world when given from a High Prince or Princess
    - Improved faction of recruits for any United Coalition Contacts -- recruits are now of the local faction
    - Prevented any re-ordering of Talents between runs of card games (Explorer, Black Market, Orbital Ops)
    - Hyperwarp Jump now includes notice of readiness of Navigation Skill Save Talent as well as HW efficiency Talents
    - Added new Talent Manifest which gives a summary of your crew's most important Talents, whether they have them or not and their cooldown status
    - Quickly check your Skill Saving Talents, Ship Encounter Talents, Crew Management Talents and Starport Talents from the new Talent Manifest
    - Talent Manifest is available from Crew List, next to Trait List
    - Improved Interdictor torp and missile defense to be able to ignore misses, only blocks attacks that truly hit
    - Rebuilt tooltips for capital ships in ship combat to include wealth of additional valuable information
    - During a ship encounter, check the "Ship Report" for your preliminary comparison between your ship and the enemy's
    - Interdictor defensive launch plans "Aegis Pattern", "Screening Swarm" and "Tip of the Spear" correctly apply buffs to ship and friendly craft at launch
    - Added 4 new Relic Gear types to Orbital Salvage operations for wing specialists
    - Adjusted balance for all Contacts who give Military Missions, will be more patrol, blockade, violence and less passengers
    - Improved Contact Traits that change weight of Faction Rep in Effective Rep -- now stack correctly (Well Connected +10% and Warhawk +50% = +60%)
    - Resolved bugs with Zunden Techno Trade Concord dialog not appearing in some games
    - Craft accrued Maintenance Points are now displayed alongside damage (+1 MP)
    - Improved effectiveness of Talents that mitigate damage from Radiation and Ion Storms
    - Fixed bug where bombers and interdictors were not applying Crippling Effects when attacking
    - Fixed bug where "Knock from the Void" was used by the AI but did not ground a craft
    - Fixed Wing Leader "Long Patrol" Talent and "Ransom Escort"
    - Fixed issues with Craft bonuses not being included in ship combat logging
    - Reduced cooldown of Explorer's "Tag the Beast" to 9 weeks from 18 weeks
    - Fixed level inconsistencies when recruiting some Jobs from Contacts with bonuses
    - Fixed issue where Interdictors on defense flight plans with nothing to block would stay launched forever
    - Improved handing of Alliance and Trade Alliance Conflicts during Patrol - patrolling can now grant small Rep bonuses with other faction during these Conflict types
    - Improved description of all Prize Ship Talents to be more clear about special requirements (limited ship types by Conflicts, Rank, Edict)
    - Fixed issue where Rychart Spice Hall (restores up to 90 Morale) and Ill-Tempered Trait (max 80 Morale) caused an everlasting spicing loop
    - Fixed bug where Zuden Techno Trade Concord was adding an objective for "Grounded Star Trader" incorrectly
    - Added Rare Trade Goods and Weapon/Armor/Gear Sales to Contact selection summary in new game template
    - Fixed issue where starport prevent Hangar upgrade when at max craft count
    - Fixed issuew here "Stiff Salute" could be used to dodge story Bounty Hunters
    - Fixed issue where "Flash Charge" Talent was counted as "Skip Off the Void" in Talent Summary
    - Fixed issue that prevented Captain from training in the Wing Tech Job
  7. brerlappin

    brerlappin Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Wow, amazing update.... Love how this game gets better and better every week or so!!
  8. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Update #149 comes hot on the heels of #148 and issues in the final set of changes to the base Jobs that have been in planning and testing for a while now. In addition to Navs gaining some Command, both Gunners and Navs have gained a new saving Talent as well. We've improved the ease of finding the "Xeno Ruins" story, rebalanced new ship component, improved details on 2 crew combat Talents that nuke enemy Morale and fixed a host of community reported issues.

    Thanks to everyone for sharing feedback, posting suggestions and bugs! If you're enjoying the game and the relentless pace of updates, we hope you will take a moment to post a review!

    Wrapping Base Job Rebalance
    We've moved quickly after Update #148 to finish the remaining rebalances to the base Jobs that were planned. With Gunners gaining a pool of Tactics over Ship Ops, they've helped add additional attack and range change dice to every ship in the galaxy. Now, with Update #149, we're finishing this sweep by splitting the Hyperwarp Navigators Tactics Skill into Command and Tactics. With Command taking their secondary Skill slot, Navs are now more helpful in defense and escape during ship combat while still retaining some value in range change and attack. Of course, their actual Navigation Skill plays a larger role if the ship is at long range in every type of maneuver.

    On the bridge of a ship, your hyperwarp navigators often work together as a team, plotting and pathfinding through the void. They carry an important burden -- keeping the entire ship on course -- and it is especially heavy when they are called on to navigate a hyperwarp gate. And so, the voice and opinions of a Navigator are respected among the crew as everyone knows that their lives are in their hands at some point during the journey. And so, Command fits as a perfect secondary Skill for the Navs.

    The final additions in this rebalance are two new Talents -- a Tactics saving Talent for your Gunners at rank 1 and a Command saving Talent for your Hyperwarp Navigators at rank 11. These new Talents provide new options for covering these critical Skill saves with protective Talents. The new "Bullseye Certainty" is the first saving Talent for Gunners, helping them fill a more rounded out role within the ship and the rank 11 "Pathfinder's Lead" makes Navigators one of the most unique and highly demanded Jobs in having a whooping 3 saving Talents.

    All of the changes to the Gunner and Navigator Jobs have some subtle impacts to the ship combat meta which will play out in the following weeks. Excited to hear everyone's feedback about these changes to the ability to get Tactics and Command dice pool through standard crew.

    Morale Nukers
    We've fixed two issues with crew combat Talent descriptions missing an important clause that they nuke enemy Morale. Both Commander's Scorn and the Combat Medic's Toxin Terror were missing these clauses. They reduce the target's Morale by 10 + Intimidate or 10 + Doctor respectively.

    Follow Up Balance
    We've adjusted the Xeno Ruins story to be easier to find, now allowing it to also turn up during wilderness zone "Discovery" Rumors as well as the quadrant-wide "Artifact Finds".

    The Plague Ward component was a bit OP and has been re-tuned with changes to its Medical Rating, cost and jump cost.

    Wrapping up some late arrival craft bugs, we've fixed an issue with how Interdictor Buffs were being wrongly applied to the ship instead of launched craft as well as resolving an issue where certain enemy AI types refused to shoot at craft. This new round of fixes is bringing us much closer to the carrier AI being released.

    We've also fixed bugs with Slippery Trader, Winning Compromise and Loyalty Rousing.

    v2.5.25 - 5/12/2019
    - "Xeno Ruins" explorer unique card story vignette can now appear during "Discovery" wilderness zone rumor as well as quadrant "Artifact Find"
    - Rebuilt Hyperwarp Navigator Skill progression to add Command as a secondary Skill and bump Tactics to tertiary -- more valuable in defense and escape
    - Added new Command Saving Talent for Hyperwarp Navigators at rank 11
    - Added new Tactics Saving Talent for Gunners at rank 1
    - Tweaked progression of Tactics for Gunner Job to start slower
    - Adjusted price, medical rating and jump cost of "Plague Ward" component
    - Added important missing description to Combat Medic's "Toxin Terror" and Commander's "Scorn" both cause (10+Skill) Morale Loss
    - Fixed bug preventing enemy ship from firing on small craft with certain weapon types
    - Fixed issue with "Tip of the Spear" and "Screening Swarm" causing the buffs to be transferred to the capital ship instead of craft
    - Fixed bug preventing "Winning Compromise" and other price increasing Talents from firing reliably
    - Fixed bug with Commander's "Loyalty Rousing" Talent causing it to heal more Morale than described
    - Fixed bug allowing Smuggler's "Slippery Trade" to fire even if Rep loss was 0
    - Fixed bug preventing credits display from updating immediately upon selling a ship in Dry Dock
    - Fixed missing skill listing in Spice Hall Recruit

    With Update #148, we've rolled out another new way for storylines to filter into the sandbox of Star Traders: Frontiers. Now with storylines capable of coming out of specialized and unique card draws, we've cracked open a whole new frontier. In addition, we've made a major shake up to the Gunner Job by introducing Tactics as a secondary Skill, improved the power of bombers weaponry and added new ship components. Along with the new ship components, we've rolled out the first Era-locked ship component. Another new frontier ready to be explored, ship components are ready to be unlocked by story events and Eras.

    This is another big one with a lot of exciting twists so check out the full release notes below. If you're enjoying the pace of updates, new content and new stories (3 stories, 3 updates back to back!) please leave a review and tell a friend.

    Xeno Runs Card Story
    One of the biggest exciting changes in Update #148 is the ability for story cards to appear in the card mini-games. The first example of this is in Explorer where a "Artifact Find" Rumor at the quadrant level can cause a chance for a story card, "Xeno Ruins" to appear within the hand. If you draw the card, it will open up a new storyline, new story rewards and the chance to meet a mysterious character. The storyline comes with potentially 2 unique gear rewards, both at level 6 and the high risk challenges to earn it.

    Now that the system is in place for story cards to appear in certain circumstances, we're eagerly eyeing Spy, Patrol, Blockade and even Black Market for the next round of story arcs.

    Gunner and Combat Meta Shifts
    With Update #148, we've made a significant change to the Gunner Job. Long relegated to Gunnery and Ship Ops, Gunners now bring Tactics to the table as their secondary Skill and push Ship Ops down to tertiary.

    Immediately, this may mean that some ships and crews may need to consider how to make up for the lost Ship Ops Skill, but as Jobs like Electronics, Mechanic, Wing Tech, and Quartermaster all provide it this is the less impactful part of the change. In order to balance this best for starting ships, the first 2 ranks of E-Tech Job has reduced a point of Electronics (4 instead of 5 now) for Ship Ops (2 instead of 1 now).

    More importantly, Gunners now bring both additional bonuses in Standard Dice to both ship combat accuracy and ship combat range change. Gunners now join Jobs like Military Officer, Hyerpwarp Navigator, Pilot, Commander and others who can all help build up this critical Skill pool. In total, for the ship meta this change empowers attackers and puts more pressure on full defensive builds.

    Destructive Bombers
    Across the board, bomber craft have gained additional minimum Standard Damage for their bombs as well as a 5-10% increase in Crippling Effect chance. This was a request made by the AI in training ;)

    Time for more boom!

    Frontier Liner
    This starting ship received a small change around its weapons build out and saw a weapon dropped for a Fuel Tank. It now boasts some amazing off-the-starport-deck fuel range to better match its description.

    Plague Ward and Other Components
    The first ship component to be directly linked to an Era, the Plague Ward is a specialized advanced medical ward with bonus shielding and the ability to keep a quarantined prisoner. Now that we have finished the work to enhance the ship component system and the AI ship builder to respect story-triggered ship components, we're going to be rolling out a lot more of these. Future components will be linked to eras, storylines and even provided as rewards to storylines.

    We've added 2 new faction specific Mass Reducer 4 options with this release -- a Pilot focused one from Alta Mesa and an Electronics focused on from Thulun. If you have the bank roll, these will be interesting options in the later game.

    In addition, we've made some price changes to the high end Sensor Arrays.

    Finally, the Accuracy % bonuses for Targeting Matrix have been raised slightly to help meet with Gunners increase in Tactics.

    v2.5.23 - 5/10/2019
    - Added new Exploration story vignette - Xeno Ruins story card can appear in Exploration when a quadrant-wide "Artifact Find" Rumor is on
    - Risky opportunity to rake in big profits and make new allies
    - Includes two new pieces of unique story reward gear
    - New unique card-game storylines can now be started from any card game under special circumstances -- more coming!
    - Rebuilt Gunner Job Skill progression to add Tactics as secondary Skill and bump Ship Ops to tertiary -- more valuable in combat but need other Ship Ops sources
    - Tweaked Electronics Tech rank 1 and 2 to have 4 Electronics and 2 Ship Ops helping low level crew staff ships better
    - Clarified Gunner's Talent "Disarming Sabotage" to clearly stated "disables highest level enemy weapon"
    - Increased base Damage and Crippling Chance % of all Bomber attacks
    - Added new "Plague Ward" ship component which becomes available during the Plague Era -- high medical, bonus shielding and holds 1 prisoner
    - Enhanced story and era system will now be releasing new technology, ship components and craft based on story events regularly
    - Added new Thulun and Alta Mesa variations on Mass Reducer 4 -- slightly more mass reduction, bonus Electronics/Pilot
    - Increased Accuracy % bonus for Targeting Matrix 2, 3 and 4
    - Increased price of high end Sensor Arrays
    - Modified "Frontier Liner" starting ship to have more balanced weapon set and additional Fuel Tank
    - Craft type filtering in starport (bomber, shuttle interdictor) now works as 'OR'
    - Added final captain's log entry with reason for captain's death
    - Fixed price of Advanced Medical Clinic
  9. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Thanks! We consider any estimate of arrival to be an ETA. We don't like to do them, so I can't commit to anything about cloud save at this time. We're hopefully that we'll get there in the future.
  10. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Major massive rollup update! All of the following items are included in v2.5.33 that just went live.

    LOL :cool:

    v2.5.33 -
    - Luxury Cabins / Luxury Suites now increase entire mission payment by 15% if a luxury bunk is open when passenger comes aboard
    - Enemy AI improves planning of Ship Skill Pool %s as difficulty increases and game progresses
    - Enemy Xeno ship builder AI makes better choices to focus builds (same components, smarter choices)
    - Added 8 new tales of legendary captains to spice hall Storyteller Trait (thanks KickStarter backers!)
    - Improved negative Trait mutation options when conscripting enemy crew, added more variety and fun Traits
    - Clarified rules for Trait "Malcontent" -- always joins Mutiny regardless of personal Morale
    - Improved power of Interdictor debuffs to make their lower damage attack runs more viable, also very high Crippling Effect changes
    - Shifted Interdictor rocket's damage from standard damage to void damage, up to 40 to 80 points
    - Increased the Pilot Skill Pool for all Interdictors -- higher Pilot on wing specialist crew member results in better dodge %
    - Increased the Electronics Skill Pool for all Bombers -- higher Electronics on wing specialist crew member results in better hit chance %
    - Increased fuel bonuses for Launch Bays and Hangars
    - Rebalanced prices for small slot and large slot Fuel Tanks, improved Alta Mesa Reinforced Fuel Pod (+2 Fuel, +1 Armor)
    - Improved team composition for Troy "The Blade" Circin -- more likely to be a good setup
    - Added new names to the name generator (thanks @For_Science!)
    - Fixed location bug with Plague Era mission "Research Protection"

    v2.5.31 -
    - Added 7 new tales of legendary captains to spice hall Storyteller Trait
    - Diplomat's "Smooth" Trait now adds a +16 Personal Reputation bonus with any Introductions
    - Fixed significant craft attack Talent bug preventing bonus damage from Talents like "Hull Buster" from being applied (more boom boom!)
    - Added a -10% Chance to Hit Craft to "Bombardment" Debuff, added +10% Chance to Hit Craft to "Coordinated Fire" Buff and +20% Chance to Hit Craft to "Broadside" buff
    - Clarified "Storyteller" Trait with rules for 30% + Charisma chance to increase Morale at spice hall
    - Balanced prices of Basic Medical Bay, Medical Bay. Balanced Combat Medical Clinic (removed Armor) and Advanced Medical Bay
    - Improved price spread and minimum install requirements for medium slot Fuel Tanks
    - Differentiated Skill bonuses between medium slot Adv. Mass Dampeners (Ship Ops, Nav) and Mass Reducers (Ship Ops, Electronics)
    - Fixed bug with Xeno Hunter "Exalted Hunter" firing twice or sometimes firing on prisoner missions
    - Fixed confusing language in Interdictor defensive launch Talents
    - Fixed bug causing crash with the use of "Recovery Pod" Talent when craft was destroyed
    - Fixed faction in "Military Sweepers" card in orbital salvage
    - Fixed "Major Setback" card in orbital salvage to ensure it reduces Contact Influence
    - Fixed bug where craft buffs were printing '0 Turns' duration to the combat log incorrectly

    v2.5.29 -
    - Added next tier components for Terrox xeno, making late game xeno ships more challenging
    - Improved xeno AI for ship building and combat
    - Added new zone Rumor "Academy Graduation" - especially large and well-trained class graduating across multiple academies
    - During "Academy Graduation" Rumor, +1 level to recruits, +2 Spice Rating
    - During "Academy Graduation" Rumor can recruit Doctors, Quartermasters, Military Officers, Wing Leaders, Wing Techs and Engineers from the hall
    - Added new rank 1 Talent for Quartermaster "Baleful Grimace" prevents Intimidation failures
    - Quartermasters join the rare ranks with Hyperwarp Navigators of Jobs with 3 saving Talents
    - Added new recruits to Contacts -- Prison Warden Contact now recruits Quartermasters, Court Seers now recruit Spies
    - Improved Spice Festival Rumor to increase Spice rating to 7, spice never runs out
    - Improved rules for Talents like Zealot "Unbending Law" to allow multiple desertion prevention Talents to run
    - Improved story dialog in Valencia's Faen's storyline to make movement of events more clear
    - Increased ability of Tactics Skill to help avoid violent confrontations during Civil Unrest Rumor
    - Rebalanced install time for Armored Bulkhead components 1 thru 5
    - Prevented unique story cards in mini-games from appearing too early in captain's career
    - Fixed issue with starport repair detail screen showing that repairs will take "no time"
    - Fixed issue where sometimes indie zones could show services incorrectly disabled in star atlas
    - Improved description of Prize Ship Talents

    v2.5.27 -
    - "Smuggler Escort" unique card story vignette can now appear in orbital Patrol Blockade during a "Trade Blockade" Rumor
    - Risky opportunity to rake in big profits and make a new black market friend
    - Added 4 new art boards for wide variety of card rewards -- time lost, smuggler cache, rare trade goods cache, story cards
    - Major bomber and interdictor improvement - all attack flight plans are 1 Turn faster, craft now retreat & land in the same turn
    - Improved starport repair list to include a separate row for any damaged craft so that its cost is clearly separate from hangar/launch bay
    - Improved combat log for small craft death saving Talent "Recovery Pod"
    - Added death save and death of any crew during ship combat directly to the combat log for easiest checking
    - Increased fuel allocation and price of Alta Mesa Reinforced Fuel Tank and Reinforced Fuel Pod
    - Added Quartermaster to the type of crew or officers who can be rescued from orbital ops "Distress Signal" card
    - Fixed issue allowing Alta Mesa Fuel Pod and Fuel Tank to count as cargo holds
    - Fixed issue with craft buffing Talents causing Interdictors to stay out longer, fixed bug with Mechanic's "Peak Reactor Burn"
    - Fixed issues allowing Wing Tech "Hangar Triage" Talent to repair craft more than described
    - Fixed disconnect with Repair discounts in starport that could lead to inability to repair in very niche cases
    - Fixed bug with starport repair times for craft causing sum of repair time as opposed to taking longest
    - Fixed "Craft" filter in starport replace component to ensure "Micro Launch Bay" is visible
    - Fixed bug where Xeno Hunter "Macabre Harvest" could used after defeating Troy 'The Blade' Circin
    - Fixed incorrect flag with universal pardons you can't afford
    - Fixed bug allowing Indie contact to be created during Orbital Salvage
    - Fixed missing SFX for Wing Commando's "Knife Work" Talent
    - Fixed placement of some ship combat UI elements on large screens

    v2.5.25 -
    - "Xeno Ruins" explorer unique card story vignette can now appear during "Discovery" wilderness zone rumor as well as quadrant "Artifact Find"
    - Rebuilt Hyperwarp Navigator Skill progression to add Command as a secondary Skill and bump Tactics to tertiary -- more valuable in defense and escape
    - Added new Command Saving Talent for Hyperwarp Navigators at rank 11
    - Added new Tactics Saving Talent for Gunners at rank 1
    - Tweaked progression of Tactics for Gunner Job to start slower
    - Adjusted price, medical rating and jump cost of "Plague Ward" component
    - Added important missing description to Combat Medic's "Toxin Terror" and Commander's "Scorn" both cause (10+Skill) Morale Loss
    - Fixed bug preventing enemy ship from firing on small craft with certain weapon types
    - Fixed issue with "Tip of the Spear" and "Screening Swarm" causing the buffs to be transfered to the capital ship instead of craft
    - Fixed bug preventing "Winning Compromise" and other price increasing Talents from firing reliably
    - Fixed bug with Commander's "Loyalty Rousing" Talent causing it to heal more Morale than described
    - Fixed bug allowing Smuggler's "Slippery Trade" to fire even if Rep loss was 0
    - Fixed bug preventing credits display from updating immediately upon selling a ship in Dry Dock
    - Fixed missing skill listing in Spice Hall Recruit
    brerlappin likes this.
  11. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Thanks so much for the updates. Would love to play this on my iPhone. Any chance of some sort of font size which you can change or zoom in/out

    I know you said before probably not but thought I would ask again !!
  12. brerlappin

    brerlappin Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Another amazing update ... can’t wait to check it out!
  13. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    At this time, we don't have any changes planned for the iPhone scaling. It is as large as it can go and still make the game playable.
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  14. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

  15. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    i don't have any issue with text format or scaling on iPhone, although i'm playing it on a smaller 6S screen, so as i said before, it's one of the best adaptations from PC i've ever seen, perfect as it is imho.
  16. JasonLL

    JasonLL Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    I’m sure if the Trese Brothers were able to easily adjust to text size they would definitely add that option in their game since they have shown to be very player friendly devs throughout the years. The good thing about psj3809 bringing up the case for a larger text option with smaller devices is that it may, going forward, allow the devs to prepare the framework for such a feature in future games. I’m on a iPad so this doesn’t really effect me but if I was playing ST: Frontiers on an iPhone, with my bad vision, I would probably appreciate having the option for larger text.
    athros likes this.
  17. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Absolutely, if it were easy, we'd do it. However, to port a PC game with this much depth, the screen count, and all the elements at play, we had to pick a minimum resolution that we were going to keep the screen at. You could contact Apple and see if they would allow a refund. We'll always be working to improve and learn lessons for the next game.
  18. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Update #155 completes the adds the fourth and final legendary bounty hunters in the v2.5.x family. We've also improved the ship comparison report to be more directly helpful and easier to read, rebalanced Water-Fuel Reclamation component and added a second level Javat-only version of the component. We've clarified rules for both Trade War Conflict and Civil Unrest in the game and fixed a pile of community reported issues and suggestions.

    We're on stride, hitting an update every 3 days for the month of May with 6 new story arcs added in the last 30 days. If you're enjoying the pace of updates, features, and new content please leave a review and tell a friend about Star Traders: Frontiers!

    Ancient Draiv Solregard
    A Bounty Hunter who has been operating since the pre Exodus period, Draiv Solregard is two centuries ancient but just as deadly and ruthless as ever. Unlike the other hunters, if a contact sends him after you, he will come bearing a capture warrant for your arrest and imprisonment. Be careful if you cross him, you might die regretting it!

    Ship Comparison Report
    This ^^ looks bad ... with Update #155, we've changed what numbers are being compared in the ship report. Now, instead of comparing their accuracy vs. your accuracy, we're comparing their accuracy vs. your defense so that you can get a much clearer view of whether or not they'll hit you and if you have a chance to hit them. We've also updated the fonts in the ship report to be red (outclassed by enemy) and gold (outclass your enemy) to help make them clear with just a glance.

    Far Travelers
    Improvements to the Water-Fuel Reclamation Tank component and a second tier 2 version of the component are going to make these both of high interest to those captains who travel far and jump often. Both components now include small Navigation bonuses, as well as larger fuel storage(+18 and +32) as well as more significant reductions to jump cost (-5 and -12). You can only install a Water-Fuel Reclamation 2 system at a Javat starport, so be sure to stay friendly with this industrious clan.

    And More
    We've added rules clarification to the Civil Unrest confirmation that Tactics saving Talents do not have an effect during these attempts to reach Contacts. Also, we've clarified the Trade War Conflict tooltip to be clear that selling goods to a faction who made them doesn't incur Rep penalty (selling Mok goods at a Mok Exchange does not incur penalty with Rychart if they are in a Trade War).

    We've resolved an issue reported by some Steam players that certain Rifle or Pistol attack Talents could be incorrectly used with the wrong weapon types. We've changed some of the dialog and characters in the Werewolf story to better match the KickStarter backer's vision.

    And, there was an issue where when you hired an Exo-Scout under Xeno Spores Rumor, they'd morph into a doctor. No more!

    If you enjoy the updates, content, stories and fixes please leave a review!

    v2.5.37 - 6/1/2019
    - Added new Bounty Hunter story vignette - determined and ancient hunter "Draiv Solregard" comes hunting with a Capture Warrant
    - Finished the 4th legendary Bounty Hunter to be added in v2.5.x dev roadmap family -- many thanks to the KickStarter backers!
    - Adjusted ship comparison in Encounter and in ship combat tooltip to compare attack vs. defense (not attack vs. attack), improved fonts for clarity
    - Rebalanced Water-Fuel Reclamation Tank to include small +Nav bonus, reduce Jump Cost by -5, +18 Fuel
    - Added Javat-only Water-Fuel Reclamation Tank 2, more Electronic/Nav, -12 Jump Cost, +32 Fuel
    - Clarified rules for Trade War in Conflict tooltips -- no Reputation loss for trading of cargo manufactured by a faction at that faction's own Exchange
    - Clarified rules for "Civil Unrest" -- Tactics saving Talents do not apply here, fixed bug with Rep loss
    - Fixed bug in Talent Manifest causing Skip Off the Void not to show
    - Fixed issue with Valencia's story where results could be crossed (left, but then joins your ship)
    - Fixed reported issues with "Werewolf" Bounty Hunter story
    - Fixed engine placement for some ships
    - Fixed issue allowing some rifle or pistol attacks to be used with the wrong type of weapon
    - Chased out the Doctors hiding as Exo-Scouts in the Spice Hall during "Xeno Spores" rumors and let the real Exo-Scouts in
    dukat111, brerlappin and JasonLL like this.
  19. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Update #156 comes roaring to life with a new starting ship, new terrifying Steel Song ship components, a new section added to the Talent manifest, upgrades to the De Valtos faction ship and some down balance for Xeno and Void Contortions Crippling effect. And ... lots more too! Check the full release notes for everything and enjoy it!

    If you're loving the relentless pace of updates and new content, please drop a review and tell a friend.

    Priority D Ship: Longbolt
    The new priority D ship weighs in at a clean $200,000 and is custom-fitted for long distance void travel and covert spying operations. Delivered with built-in spying components, a single weapon and a Longhaul engine, the Longbolt packs a crew of 24 for long distance trips. Locked behind the Big Network achievement, this new ship gives a traveler, spy and mission runner or any captain who is looking to use the Electronics meta and avoid combat, a new starting option in the D slot. You can see its starting configuration above, including its ridiculous fuel range and low jump cost thanks to the Water-Fuel Reclamation Tank. Watch out, it has very light weaponry.

    Interrogation Chambers
    Steel Song has a reputation to uphold, and its doing so with the newest round of new ship components. The medium slot Interrogation Chamber and the large slot Interrogation Ward both hold prisoners in special "luxury" care. When a new prisoner is taken aboard the ship and one of these Interrogation Cells is available, up to 10 Intel is immediately generated. De Valtos may have their luxury, but as the Song say -- maybe you'll come back as one of us.

    Xeno and Void Contortions
    With this update, we've slowed down the access of Terrox xeno to tier 2 and 3 components, and especially let difficulty take a bigger hand in this progression. Some of the up-balance of the xeno got ahead of where we wanted it to be and we've been listening to players and making tweaks over the weekend. We've also directly reduced the power -- especially Gunnery bonuses -- of some of the Terrox components.

    Also, the Void Contortions Crippling Effect from torpedoes has received a nerf. For being a tier 1 type of Crippling Effect it was simply too strong and its -20% Defense and -20% Escape chance sounded the death knell for too many captains. We've dropped this to -10% Defense, -10% Escape, -10% Armor to ensure that it doesn't completely undo the buff you just dropped or the bonus your engine is granting in a single hit.

    Trade Section of Talent Manifest
    We've added a section covering both the legal and illegal Talents of trade. Quick reference can help you see what types of bonuses they offer and what is available at any given moment.

    And More
    There is always more, these notes go on for a while!

    Spice Hall Talent activation has been changed to ensure Talents with a % chance to run will not block other Talents from running if they fail. Over all, this will see an increase in Talents running during spicing.

    We've fixed an issue with the "Distress Signal" card that was allowing you to get some $2 or $3 paybacks for helping to tow in a disabled ship.

    We've also added 2 new art boards to the orbital card game for refuel and extorting bribes.

    If you get a stash from winning a combat -- such as in Salvage -- the crew victory screen now includes the details.

    Also, we fixed the coloration of the text in ship comparison to help avoid red-brown (gold) issues.

    v2.5.41 - 6/4/2019
    - Added 2 new Steel Song prison cells -- Interrogation Chamber and Interrogation Ward, each create up to 10 Intel when taking on a new prisoner during a mission
    - Added new priority D starting ship, the Longbolt is 3400 Mass, fast travel and spy-ready ship, requires Big Network unlock
    - Added new Exchange and Black Market section to the Talent manifest including all trading bonus and trade into conflict talents
    - Improved De Valtos faction ship "Corsair Interceptor" -- upgraded to Cargo Hold 2, Nav Assist Module 2, added 13th small slot with Sensory Array 1
    - Improved rules for how Spice Hall Talents run -- Talents with a % to fire that do not no longer block other Talents from running
    - Reduce power of tier 1 Crippling Effect "Void Contortions" created by torps (now -10% Defense, -10% Escape, -10% Armor)
    - Reduced power of some of the Terrox xeno tier 3 components
    - Fixed Orbital Ops result of Distress Signal that could sometimes result in $2 or $3 credits when towing
    - Improved description of stashes won via crew combat to include the type and count of the stashed resources
    - Added new card art for orbital operations for extortion bribes and refueling
    - Clarified rules description for both Wing Bomber's "Intimidating Fly Over" and Wing Commando's "Grandiose Arrival" -- both require piloting craft
    - Reduce cool down for Wing Commando's "Grandiose Arrival" to 9 weeks
    - Fixed bug where Talents that require character to be piloting a craft might not appear in ship or crew victory if there was one crew member out of a craft
    - Updated font color in ship comparison tooltip and report to avoid red and gold looking to close
    - Improved new game crew generator to ensure better number of starting crew dogs
    JasonLL, tipsy and brerlappin like this.
  20. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Just the release notes for today's latest version!

    See the full release news entries over on Steam!

    v2.5.47 -
    - Added new rank 15 Bounty Hunter Talent "Realm's Justice" allows the BH to capture a prize ship under standard rules
    - Added new rank 11 Pistoleer Talent "Exposed Shot" which allows targeting backline enemies at a penalty
    - Added new rank 15 Pistoleer Talent "Confounding Gunplay" which debuffs with 50% Stun
    - Added new rank 8 Diplomat Talent "Unyielding Force" saves against Intimidate skill failures
    - Added new De Valtos only ship component "Grand Luxury Suites" which grants a +22% bonus per passenger
    - Reduced crew combat evasion for Terrox Xeno by 10-20% based on type
    - Rebalanced bonuses from slightly overpowered set of Sig Dampener Components
    - Ship Encounter rate reduction now shown on main ship status screen
    - Fixed bug with Reinforced Medical Chamber, Sensor Array 1, Storage Cache, Reinforced Officer Cabin, M2400 Void Engine: Traveler all accidentally getting incorrect extra bonuses
    - Added minimum Economy requirements for all Luxury Cabin types
    - Fixed issue allowing Wing Bomber's Talent "Intimidating Fly Over" to take effect in wild zones
    - Switched names for Elo Tech Talents "Hunt and Seek" and "ECCM Surge"

    v2.5.45 -
    - Added new component capability - reduce encounter rate in void travel by %, up to 20% maximum (starport "Ship" filter)
    - Added new 2 new small slot Sig Dampener components (2, 3) to join original Sig Dampener in granting reduction in encounter rate, grant Elo, small Nav, Void Res
    - Added new Rychart only small slot Sig Veil Field as top tier Sig Dampener type component
    - Added new medium slot Sig Concealment Field which reduces encounter rate, grants Rad/Void Res, Elo/Nav Skill
    - Wing specialist pilots now gain XP for each successful flight plan run keeping active wing pilots better leveled
    - Interdictors on defensive flight plans now land after the final turn instead of waiting one last turn to only land (just like offensive flight plans)
    - Big buff to all On Init Talents: now correctly granting the Initiative bonuses on the first Turn they are used
    - Adjusted all size Combat Hyperwarp Drives to rebalance Electronics and Navigation, improved Skill Pools for Mass 2400 and Mass 3400 drives
    - Adjusted large comp Hull Plating to include Ship Ops, better Electronics, moderate Void and Radiation Res on all tiers and lower jump cost
    - Adjusted medium comp Deflector Array to give slightly better Electronics bonus and Void Res
    - Added +15 Fuel Storage to Micro Launch bay
    - Adjusted Wing Tech's "Recovery Pod" Talent to use Repair to determine health of saved wing pilot
    - Improved language in ship encounter to explain current disposition / hostility versus base disposition / hostility
    - Fixed some bugs with certain play loops causing game date to skip backwards
    - Fixed bug with Wing Tech's "Hangar Triage" Talent not using Repair Skill correctly

    v2.5.43 -
    - Fixed bug starting Longbolt with 5/4 Officers, added a range 3 Plasma Cannon to Longbolt
    - Fixed crash related to high level enemies manifesting as crash in travel or crash in orbital ops card game

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