Universal Super Mario Run

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by TouchArcade Bot, Sep 7, 2016.

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  1. xxteargodxx

    xxteargodxx Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Just played the demo at an Apple Store, and I can happily say that I enjoyed it. Controls are simple, Mario runs and you tap and he jumps. If you tap and hold do a higher jump, I did not notice any double jump and did notice that you cant jump then swipe down for him to pound the ground.

    Even if your jumps are timed properly and Mario lands on a Goomba he won't kill it, he'll hurdle over it. Only way to kill the Goomba I believe is to tap when right mext to it or to tap as you jump onto it.

    I also found I think you don't die right away, Mario is put in a bubble and is moved back some in the stage I think it continues to move you backwards until you tap to free him from the bubble.

    I was allowed to take video while playing, so I'll upload some videos later to my Youtube Channel.
  2. dukat111

    dukat111 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2010
    I got to play it at the Apple store today too.
    It was much better than I expected. The controls are responsive and there's a surprising amount of things you can do with a simple tap. Tap and hold keeps you airborn longer which is important when wall jumping backwards. The longer you stay in the air the more you'll go back to the left. As others have said, you can parkour over enemies, kill them, wall climb, jump backwards, hand-over-hand monkeybar over pits, activate blocks with various abilities like freeze your run, jump high, run fast, etc.

    They did an excellent job with the controls, graphics, music and there is so much detail to each levels you can reply them over and over trying to master everything.

    Graphics are a little small on a 7 for my eyes, much more comfortable on an iPad mini. Hopefully it has cloud sync.

    The 3 demo levels were fun but short, finishing them in a few minutes. Hope further levels get considerably longer.
  3. senkoujin

    senkoujin Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
    While I agree with you for the most part, I do still have some apps/games on my old iPad 2 that's still rocking iOS 5.1.1 that still work and will never be deleted, to name a few of them:

    -Magic 2013: Duel of the Planeswalkers
    -XCOM: Enemy Unknown
    -Dead Space
    ...and many more that were compatible with that firmware at the time.

    I also have an iPad Air 2 running iOS 8.x, so I'm not completely out of date as of today. I treat my iPad 2 as a 'legacy' platform/console of sorts...when I wanna play those older games, I can absolutely do so without worry. :)
  4. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    Lucky. I had to reinstall iOS on my iPad 2 and was forced into iOS 9. Now it's just a Toca Boca tablet for the kids, lol.
  5. xxteargodxx

    xxteargodxx Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    After playing it again while not trying to video it, can confirm controls are great.

    I was watching my phone while playing and recording that made the controls feel delayed.
  6. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    My Daughter uses an iPad 2 and until last week she was on iOS 6. She prefers PC and console gaming so buying her a new device is a pain in the arse and there wasn't any game that made her want to update the iOS until recently. The thing worked brilliantly, and I really didn't want to put it on iOS 9, for some reason though,nodding it over wifi on,y offered iOS 8 whereas uodating over PC offered only 9. We went with 8 and thank god it, it still works great and hasn't slowed it down like I'd read happen to a lot of people. No idea why we could go to 8 from six when it supports 9 and iOS 10 has been out for a while, but I'm glad she could.

    I could do with a new device myself, I'm still using a first gen mini, but there's always something more important needs buying, or some bill due, or something breaks and uses up whatever I've saved and while my device is still solid and working great I'd feel guilty buying s new one just for iOS 10.

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    I am a bit done with platformers, but with Super Mario I am excited again and want to play this game badly, only 4 days to wait.
  8. F34R

    F34R Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    I played it some in the Apple store.. I'm not quite as excited as I was before playing it. Mario auto hurdling over goombas is kinda a let down to be honest. I'll play more when it comes out and see if it's worth the money to get the full version for me.
  9. amaurote

    amaurote Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
    who many japanese will buy iphone because of this game? :)
  10. Qwertz555

    Qwertz555 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2010
    I didn't watch the latest spoiling videos, but i read all the quite positive hands-on articles the last few days. I'm very looking forward to Mario!
    Oh, and i'm probably one the very few here who has no experience with him at all. *cough* i guess about ninty minutes back in the 80's don't count, lol. Somehow nice to go in there without having an existing automatism for headjumps etc. or being biased. All new for me.

    A few months back i read "challenge a friend/ghost" and this was already enough for me to be convinced that this game will need a constant internet connection. Hey, it's coming from a big company, so no surprise. And while i don't play many online games, in this case i don't care at all. Having endless mobile data helps of course. By the time the game might brake by ios 12/13/... or no server, i'm sure i had my fun (hopefully) long enough and i deleted the game already. Though i don't know Nintendo's services, i think they'll update their games quickly and for a long time...and with new levels. I also would pay for it, no problems. Paying ten bucks (atm) is still three bucks under what i paid for Pac-Man 256 (deleted after having lots of fun).

    C'mon thursday!

    PS: my 10th nomination for GOTY is always a one-hander game. Fingers crossed!
  11. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Why would you think that?
    It would only require Internet while actually doing those online things.
    Did you think that because companies just keep throwing nonsense at us?
    Why do we let them keep throwing nonsense at us?
  12. ROGER-NL

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    This thread makes me depressed, I want to kill myself before Super Mario comes out now really.
  13. BTNLegend

    BTNLegend Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    #213 BTNLegend, Dec 11, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
    Because it's the same people who are unreasonably complacent with restrictions that settle for less. If the game was $20, I bet they would still make justifications.
  14. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    LPT: The time you guys are spending online, right now, complaining about the internet connection requirements?

    That's when you can play the game.
  15. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #215 Intendro, Dec 12, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
    And that's not all of the time that we should be able to play this single player game.
    So why that argument again? It doesn't work.

    Internet isn't everywhere, some devices are wifi-only, dead zones, server overloads, inexplicable network errors, etc.
    It's a single player game. It should work all the time. No stupid restrictions built in.

    "You can play the game you bought some of the time!" is not a good argument.
  16. BazookaTime

    BazookaTime Well-Known Member

    Pretty simple, don't get the game then.
  17. rhljk14

    rhljk14 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    Swansea, MA
    Its not really rocket science. The purpose is to control piracy. If you really feel the need to complain and blame someone, blame those that pirate. This is a business, plain and simple. The mobile gaming market has felt the need to adapt over the years. Regardless this game will do fine. The community that frequents this site will more than likely get this game anyway and we are a fraction, very small at that, of the target demographic. I agree with the comment above.....if its too much....don't get the game. These arguments are getting played out...........This is the mobile gaming market we have.......some developers do and some don't, have internet connections, have free to play , have pay to play. With all of that being said.....I do miss the golden days of mobile gaming.
  18. Jamesrooney27

    Jamesrooney27 Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2014
    This forum :rolleyes: couple of years if someone asked if Mario ever comes to iOS I would laugh and now people are moaning about internet only reason which completely understandable pirates would pirate this game if it wasn't, it's not like most people don't have internet at home �� And Pokémon go might be completely different as it's not an game as such but that requires internet im not surprised that Nintendo done, good for them, be happy Mario coming :):):):)
  19. senkoujin

    senkoujin Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
    #219 senkoujin, Dec 12, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
    Piracy is but a fragment of the whole picture, like the protesters here, they and the pirates are an outnumbered minority that don't pose a huge threat to the company; it's a good excuse these companies use to coat the main purpose of the online-only DRM, and that is to collect data from the user base for future business decisions. User behavior and analytic data is an extremely valuable commodity in this business these days.

    In closing, I also concur with you; I too miss the golden age of gaming in general.
  20. NinthNinja

    NinthNinja Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
    I'm really looking forward to Super Mario Run.

    But after reading this thread I've come to the conclusion that the internet is full of cynical knockers who will complain, expect things for nothing, and just generally bitch about everything... In the last few years the Touch Arcade forums have basically gone down hill with this attitude - it's actually a pretty toxic place now. I really wish people would take the view of "If you have nothing better to say then don't say anything at all". Or just wait for the game to actually come out and do some subjective views on it because that's the time to comment on things. Sorry for the rant - I remember this forum used to be pretty objective with views... the good old days of Touch Arcade!

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