I don't know if it's the case, but there are some articles about the D-day for Apple and Nintendo. Look at all recent Apple interventions. The press say : "Smartwatch sales are falling", Apple intervention : "Apple Watch sales are amazing".
pst = pacfic standard time - there is no time to that just PST - its technically been dec 15 since 12am PST so i understand if its 10am PST that would 1 pm EST but that is not what is said. CNN is now saying its coming out 1pm EST which is 10am pst.. and to tbh i am not really mad i am just at work having a bad day and taking it out on nintendo cause my bad day was supposed to be better with some mario in my life. I am more mad that Tyrone and Ed went silent on IOS release of Issac all the sudden when they said it was coming out this year...
it should of been out bottom line, all the people can say other wise. there is a 1pm EST review embargo it should of been released. Nintendo is delaying it to build up hype. I am not surprised.
It's coming! They just added the Nintendo super Mario run rewards section 3 minutes ago. I was doing my mii rewards and all of a sudden it popped up Has 6 worlds and a toad rally gamewithin
I'm surprised it's not here already i worked last night and just woke up after sleeping all day and still not here. Would be nice if it hits before I go to work or I'll have to wait another day until I'm on wifi again.
Pretty sure it's launching when app store refreshes every Thursday as per usual..theyre be a big Mario banner waiting for us...it's right around the corner
Wonder if it even is better than Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo DS in 2005, because that was the best 2D Mario for me ever.
Read a book, play a game, go outside for a walk. There's no need to play the game the second it is released.
Read a book? I'm reading TouchArcade. # Play a game? That's what I'm wanting to do! A specific game! # Go for a walk? Psshh... I wanna go for a run. A Mario Run! #
Don't buy into people claiming they have the game or know anything about when it's being released. There's a whole lot of trollin' going on today that folks are really buying into.
Don't take me wrong, I am also probably going to. Lol But I am not irritated while waiting, just curious to see about the game and finally play it.