Universal SUPERPUNK Tactics - Online Asynchronous PvP / Tactical-RPG [DEV BLOG]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by liva, Mar 1, 2021.

  1. liva

    liva Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
    Paris, France
    #1 liva, Mar 1, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021
    Hi ! We are working on a mobile game called SUPERPUNK Tactics. The game development started with a couple of ideas for a "Final Fantasy Tactics but online and PvP". We have been working on the game on and off for almost a year now.​


    SUPERPUNK Tactics is an Asynchronous, Turn-based and Player versus Player Tactical-RPG composed of 3 factions. Join one of them, gather your party and get back to the roots of great Tactical RPG.

    - Manipulate the environment: Warm up an oily crate to make it burn. Push it near your opponent and burn his team. Pull an enemy on water and electrify him to make him stunned or poison his units to turn his heals into self-damage. Master more than 20 status effects and even more combos to overcome your many foes.
    - Design the ultimate team: Unlock powerful new talents and weapons with endless interaction and combinations.
    - Perfect Your Strategy: Build your own battlefield and take combat and tactical decision to new levels.



    • 3 factions
    • Asynchronous PvP battles
    • Persistant world to conquer and gain ressource from.
    • Clans and Alliances between all clans of each factions
    • A hierarchy system where the top clans take the lead of the Faction and plan the campaign by selecting where to attack/defend, translated to quests for other players.
    • 22 Status Effects and many status combos to master.
    • BattleMap Editor, giving the player choice and control over something crucial, tactical possibilities.
    • Team Field of View, the thrill of planning an ambush, the joy of blinding or altering the line of sigh of the opponent units, that’s what we aim for.
    • Reactive skill system, skills that the player decides to activate or not. Giving him the ability to cancel or completely reverse the situation by trying to predict and react to the opponent’s actions.
    • And of course all of the classic RPG-like progression : quest, xp, talents, etc..., you get it.

    At the moment the game is playable. However, few functionality are missing or still a bit buggy and it does not yet look as silky smooth as we would like it to be but the alpha already running and we have a lot of fun at each testflight session. This is a first from series of posts where we will share information about the game and about the process of making it.

  2. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Turn based strategy
    Status effects and combos

    I just drooled on myself.

    I’m feeling the clean aesthetic too.
    Was that a level editor in the video? Oh baby...
    liva likes this.
  3. liva

    liva Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
    Paris, France
    #3 liva, Mar 2, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
    Haha yeah SUPERPUNK Tactics allows players to engage in a fully integrated PvP experience in a persistent world build around three factions where each of them fights the others to conquer territories.

    In addition to these PvP conquest mechanics, each of the three factions has fortified territories housing unique items called Relics. Factions compete for possession of these Relics, as they each hold properties that grant battle rewards and buffs to the faction that owns them.

    And if a territory is conquered by your faction, you'll be able to setup a fully customized battlemap.

    We’ll talk more about those features later.

    MetaGonzo likes this.
  4. liva

    liva Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
    Paris, France
    #4 liva, Mar 6, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2021
    Spreading Status Effects


    Status Effects play a huge role in many games, and when it comes to it, Path of Exile is my go-to inspiration. They are absolutely essential in how your character attacks or defends and they can mix to create interesting synergies and provide worlds of variation in combat style. One thing I’ve found always fun was the use of the « elemental proliferation » support gem to make the status effects spread to targets unaffected by the initial hit, so entire screens may burn or freeze. It was just awesome.


    What we did for SUPERPUNK Tactics, which is wayyyyy more slow paced, is a system where the board has a turn between each players where it will try to spread status that are spreadable.

    There are a huge variety of different types of effects that effect the player characters or enemies. These effects can be a huge factor in any fight, and can work for or against you. Knowing what these effects can do and how they interact with one another is extremely important.

    MetaGonzo and AltsKev like this.
  5. liva

    liva Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
    Paris, France
    #5 liva, Mar 14, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2021
    Environment Interaction

    Success in SUPERPUNK Tactics demands smart use of everything on the board. Push enemies into each other or into the environment to damage them. Move them into positions where their line of fire won’t cause damage. Move your units behind obstacles to keep them hidden from the opponent sigh. Push and pull enemy units into water, fire, oil and other tiles with status effect and exploit their new weakness.

    Or maybe do it the other way around ?

    Warm up an oily crate to make it burn and then push it near your opponent and burn his team ? Or maybe pull wet enemies near and electrified obstacle to stun them all ? The possibilities are huge

    MetaGonzo likes this.
  6. liva

    liva Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
    Paris, France
    #6 liva, Mar 28, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2021
    BattleMap Editor

    This may be just me, but I have been seeing more and more games with crafting systems added to them. Many think they add another layer of depth to the game, but I am just not sure about that. Crafting is awesome when it’s central to the gameplay of the game, as in UO, Minecraft, or Eve Online. For loot-drop based games like WoW it just feels unnecessarily bolted on.

    For many months we thought about it, we wanted to give you some tool to create something unique, and we like the idea of strategy being a part of your inventory, but we would prefer other ways to incorporate this than crafting.

    That is why we added a BattleMap Editor.


    It’s a neat way of giving the player choice and control over something crucial, tactical possibilities. In SUPERPUNK Tactics you can attack, destroy, push and interact in many ways the terrain and his layout. Giving you a battlefield where you can build things and plan your tactics is extremely satisfying. Every battle would be different from the last one, something truly exciting for the opponent, and because the terrain is symmetrical totally fair.


    Combined with status effects (Burning, Infected…), I cant imagine the possibilities but I know this is gonna be awesome.

    MetaGonzo likes this.
  7. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    It all looks great but this is the part I’m most excited about.

    I do love an editor!
    liva likes this.
  8. liva

    liva Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
    Paris, France
    Thank you MetaGonzo!

    I'm also are super excited, it's something I consider a must for PC strategy games and we managed to make it simple yet very impactful for SUPERPUNK Tactics.

    Our latest play tests have shown that players build their teams based on the layout of the map, and vice versa.

    Consequently, 100% of the players had a personalized BattleMap ^^

    I hope to see you on the next play test!
  9. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    For sure; where does one sign up?
    liva likes this.
  10. liva

    liva Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
    Paris, France
    I'll post a public testflight link here very soon, I'll make sure you to tell you when its available
    MetaGonzo likes this.
  11. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Can’t wait.
    liva likes this.
  12. liva

    liva Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
    Paris, France
    This week, we have been working on Status effects.

    Poison, stun, confusion, fear, sleep, death…Status effects are greats, they can add variety on top of existing base mechanics and lend the mathematics of combat in some games a great deal of depth and emergent complexity without making the game harder to learn or play. An RPG is never complete without Status Effects. From the simplest damage-over-time effect to the impactful 5 turns until instant death to something wacky like turning your folks into sheep, Status Effects can be tackled in many ways by the developer and it sure does impact the gameplay for their respective players.


    But they are a tricky beasts. Some games make them so trivial they can be ignored, others make them so debilitating that getting one means you may as well quit and reload your last save. There is a sweet spot in the middle, but getting there takes work. And If we can integrate them in such a way that they feel like they join up seamlessly with the base mechanics, I think that will help reduce the feeling that you need to track yet another thing.

    Take poison for example, some games make poison so weak that it ends up being the equivalent of 1-2 hits from weak enemies over several turns. Conversely, some games make poison ridiculously strong. Not quite to the point of 25% HP per turn, but occasionally not far off it. It’s often either too much or too little, and rarely does anyone hit that sweet spot in the middle…so let’s fix this by having ramped-up damage, like the Agony skill in World of Warcraft. Poison starts out small, but each turn gets a little bit stronger. That means you can afford to ignore it for, a couple of turns, but after that it starts getting deadly to the point where you need to deal with it. Having this mechanic means the player will soon learn they have a bit of grace where they can get things done without worry, but the longer they leave it there, the greater a risk they’re taking.

    We cant talk Status Effects without talking about Immune System. That one’s easy: make the target immune to the last status they cured from for few turns. That way you can spend few turns without having to worry about more poison.


    And as of right now, there are a little bit more than 20 Status Effects in SUPERPUNK Tactics.

    • Rested – Character Recuperation gain +10
    • Distracted – Character can’t use REACTIVE SKILLS (Parade, Counter-Attack, Evade…)
    • Disarmed – Character can’t use ACTIVE SKILL (Attack, Charge, Lightning…)
    • Shattered – « Weapon Triangle » set to disadvantaging (+20 Damage received) even if same color
    • Stunned – Character can’t play this turn. This status can’t be broken by damage.
    • Blinded – Character can’t see.
    • Rooted – Character can’t move (movement based skills break the root). This status is broken by any damage.
    • Crippled – Character can’t move and cant use movement skill (charge, dodge…)
    • Frightened – Character run away in fear. This status is broken by any damage.
    • Decaying – Character is hurt by Recuperation.
    • Sleeping – Character cannot move or use skills. This status is broken by any damage.
    • Mad – Maddened characters will attack those nearest them, regardless of alignment.
    • Ruptured – Double cost of movement.
    • Wet – 20% more vulnerable to Electric and Ice attacks. If Shocked while Wet, become Stunned. If Chilled while Wet, become Frozen.
    • Shocked – 20% more vulnerable to Electric attacks. Getting Wet or Shocked again while already Shocked will make the character Stunned.
    • Frozen – Character is Frozen and Immun to everything but cant play.
    • Chilled – 20% more vulnerable to Cold attacks. Character can be Frozen as a result of being Chilled while already Chilled.
    • Infected – Contagious, spread to nearby players/enemies – Character deals -30% damage
    • Hot – 20% more vulnerable to Heat attacks. Getting Hot again while already Hot will make the character Burning.
    • Oily – Character can be Burning as a result of being Hot.
    • Burning – Damage Over Turns, but Character is immun to Frozen, Wet and Chill.
    • Immun – Character is immun to every negative status effects

    Each one of them was carefully selected, because as with everything in game design, we think it’s important to tie all the little bits and pieces together in the battle system. A thing should be added only if it adds something to the gameplay. If a status effect doesn’t add a new way to play or a change in player behavior, then it’s just fluff and should be left out.

    We are working hard to make them easily visually recognizable, but is it too much? What does too many different types of status effects look like? I dont want to make the player feel like the game is bloated because it contained too many effects, items, etc
    MetaGonzo likes this.
  13. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    There’s a hell of a lot of them when they’re written out like that. Personally I rather like the idea of that level of variety.

    I suppose the idea of “too much” would depend on their interactions with each other. Can your character be affected by more than one at a time? If you’re both hot and chilled is that like being unaffected?
  14. liva

    liva Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
    Paris, France
    We created the system so that you very rarely have more than one status to remember, each time a new status tries to be applied to the character, either the old status is canceled or a new status replaces it, its like you said, hot and chilled cancel each others!
    But yeah, its hard not to add more of them!

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