Universal [TBA] Speed Square - slide puzzle game like 2D Rubik's Cube - beta test

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by kennan, Apr 26, 2021.

  1. kennan

    kennan New Member

    Nov 3, 2018
    Hi all, we're working on a 2D twist on the classic Rubik's Cube game that's better suited for play on mobile phones. Basically you have a 6x6 grid with 6 colors of squares and have to make each row or column only have one color. At higher levels, the game gets more complicated because you're limited as to how many times you can move some tiles. Like the original Rubik's Cube, your goal is to solve the puzzles as fast as possible.

    Demo video:

    More info about the game is available at speedsquaregame.com

    Here is the TestFlight link where you can join the beta: https://testflight.apple.com/join/hg8o0nTu

    Please post any feedback on the beta version in this thread, or send me an email. Thanks!

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