Hey all, I'm brand new here, mostly a macrumors visitor and have been lurking here for a long time now. Anyhow, my post is about the TD games. I am a huge fan of TD games from the very first TD map they made on starcraft and haven't lost interest since. I only recently purchased an ipod touch, and am using it almost exclusively as a pda (not one mp3 on the thing). I have some room left for a great game, and I want the best TD game available To be honest, I was extremely looking forward to star defense, but having read the replies (which make sense to me) it seems the game is not worth it at the current price (I could get three other TD games for that which are supposedly better). So here I am, extremely eager to BUY a tower defense game (I have Tap defense, or what's it called, but that's definitely not good...), but have no clue what to get. On the flash side of life I love DesktopTD, but we obviously can't play flash games on the touch. I googled all the reviews, but I noticed that iphone game reviews/ratings are total B/S (although this site seems to do a pretty good job!!). It seems as soon as a new game pops out, it gets crazy reviews and downloads and what not and exaggerated scores, untill the next game comes out, then the previous one gets dumped by everyone like the tree after christmas. So AT THIS VERY MOMENT, which TD game would you recommend if you could own only ONE. If possible, give some extra info as to why you think it is better than the other games out there. Thanks!
GeoDefense is amazing if you don't mind the difficulty. 7Cities has a really interesting upgrade mechanic to the towers and offers fixed pathways and free play
I think a lot of people are going to recommend Defender Chronicles because it just came out. I haven't played it yet, but it seems like it actually deserves the praise. I recently bought Elemental Monster TD and I'm loving it. Other great TD games you might want to look into are Sentinel and GeoDefense. I like The Creeps!, but I don't know if that's your type of game.
i agree with geodefense. Its really deep, its really hard, and there are a ton of maps. There isnt an endless mode to my knowledge but i still havent beaten the game and i play it fairly regularly. surprisingly, there arent any flames yet!
Welcome, Sceneshifter. Everyone has an opinion about this, and you can't go wrong, really, because there are several great TD games for pretty cheap. I recommend that you don't limit yourself to one, but rather buy several in the 1-3$ range. I have personally enjoyed GeoDefense, The Creeps, Sentinel, and 7 Cities immensely, and I'm also liking Star Defense a lot--despite the negativity surrounding it, if you like TDs it's excellent. But leaving S.D. out of the equation, you can pick up the others (and ElementalMonster, and Field Runners, etc., etc.) for cheap if you pay attention to sales. I got the four I mentioned for only 99cents each. I don't regret having multiple TDs. They all offer something different, and for me they offer the best replay value (besides sports games) as I try for harder difficulties, higher scores, badges, and so on. Good hunting!
Geodefense is the best, The Creeps is second best, and after that, probably Fieldrunners. I personally hated seven cites
field runner: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=292421271&mt=8 elementalmonsters TD: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=307986363&mt=8 towermaddness: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=316491616&mt=8
I tried the lite Geodefense and didn't care for it. Not sure why, I think I didn't like the time pressure element. I like to be able to pause and think things through when I play TDs. If you like time pressure then it's one to look at. My all-time favorite iPhone TD is probably The Creeps. It's a fairly straightforward TD, but great production values and adorable. 7 cities is another good one, as is Elemental Monster TD. Don't forget iTD, which might have to get my vote if I had to pick one best (fixed-path) TD. If you like maze-building TDs, then Fieldrunners is excellent. Personally I prefer fixed-path TDs, so I don't play Fieldrunners much. I've only messed around with Sentinel a little and I don't really care for it. It doesn't seem to bring much to the table besides the art, and that's not necessarily a bonus. (I like to be able to *tell* which part of the screen is the path for the creeps and which is the part I can build towers on...)
geo defense cos its brilliant ! dungeon defense is worth picking up, on sale at 99c which its definately worth besiegement also only 99c and a lot of levels, both path and free - excellent game Defender Chronicles if you want to be able talk about it here - seems to be good but a bit early to tell
Dungeon Defense is simply amazing and still on sale for buck I believe...far and away my best suggestion if you like the fantasy/dungeon theme. Fieldrunners is an iPhone classic for a reason and you will never go wrong there. Sentinel is FR in space (which is not a bad thing). Tower Madness is no better than any of the above but still plays well and has a cool replay feature, aliens and (sheep) abduction theme. Sweetwater Defense just came out and it's very slick, classic fantasy naval theme. geoDefense is hard but the vector visuals are amazing and make it worth it. 7 Cities TD has been wonderfully supported by the developer and is now one of the best TD's, a no-brainer if you like the fantasy naval theme. The Creeps! is cute and easy but extremely well-produced and genuinely fun, child's nightmares kinda theme. Tap Defense is better than you give it credit for; sure the graphics aren't anything but there's gobs of gameplay in there and it's one of the original TD's and free to boot. Elemental Monster TD throws in a card gimmic which some seem to love and also sports some interesting visuals, fantasy theme.
No one is mentioning besiegement. geoDefense, Besiegement, and Fieldrunners have had the highest replay value for me. Sentinel is on the bottom of that list. I'm trying the Creeps right now, and I like it, but the mechanic is getting repetitive for me.
I notice that you mentioned Desktop Defense, by which I assume that graphics are not high on your list. Well the closest to that is most definitely [app]Power Towers[/app]. Filedrunners is the obvious choice for many as far as open field TD's go, although honestly I find it all wrapping and no content. If you want something slightly off the beaten track, how about [app]Zombie Attack![/app]. It is, I think the most innovative of all the TD's in that you can influence the path of the zombies depending where you walk. And it's open field, which I get the feeling is more down your alley Hope that helps.
Nice call on Besiegement. It's the only one that offers dual fixed and non-fixed path maps. 7 Cities has one non-fixed, but it definitely belongs on the list. Defender Chronicles definitely belongs on the list as well.
Except, of course, that they are completely different. One if fixed path and one is maze-building. One has a fantasy theme and one is SF based. One is light and airy and the other is dark and foreboding. It would be hard to find two tower defense games that are less similar. Both are quite good. Michael
Another vote for Besiegment. Extra Kudos for the developer for putting out a great game, and then totally redoing it with brand new graphics and gameplay as a free update. I would gladly have purchased Beseigment 2 just to get the improvements. And he's in the middle of another huge update. Definitely one of my favorites. Michael
Hi again, Scrap my Power Towers idea earlier. This should sort you out http://toucharcade.com/2009/06/10/wwdc-desktop-tower-defense-coming-to-iphone/