Hello! Elton, sorry but your email got sent to spam. If I hadn't read this thread I never would have checked for it. Agree with you guys this game looks awesome, it wasn't intentional that we hadn't posted anything about it. So good job guys keeping this thread bumped, I'm glad I checked it Anyways, all aboard the hype train: http://toucharcade.com/2016/02/08/tennis-champs-returns-trailer/
Hey, great to see the article �� Not read my email this morning, so appologies if you've already done this.. But could you maybe drop me a mail back with how to avoid getting thrown in the spam in future? Is there a different address I should use? Really appreciate the mention, its made my day to get a bit of press!
It's a possibility.. but will require quite abit of development effort. So there's a bit of dependency for the initial release doing well enough. Online 2 player is the initial priority for multiplayer. Controller support is on the way, so local multiplayer should follow that. Also looking at a gesture based control scheme with AI movements, for those who aren't able to play a hardcore game. Wanted to do justice to the original before I looked at that. Unless I get anything from Apple along the lines of "if it was more casual friendly, we'd feature it", that will wait until a bit nearer the summer.
Not initially. I've tried to keep everything in 1 big save file to make it easier to do. Will look into squeezing it into 1st update.. (just synching some of the persistent data I need to do carefully)
Thanks for at least considering. Either way, cannot wait for this release but I love being able to continue games when I'm on the go as well as at home.
Hoping for release this week. Rlly want this. Bought SSC'14 premium to whet my whistle. Only wish there was an option to zoom in a bit.
Cheers for the support! Will have some better view options (zoom, possibly horizontal play) on SSC'16, work on which will resume very shortly, as the 1st main update for Tennis Champs is almost done.
Not to derail this thread as this tennis game is the game I am most looking forward to in a long long time but any timeline for SSC'16
I'd probably best not promise anything as I'll probably curse myself to miss whatever date I say Just watch this space!
Smart man. I will most definitely keep an eye out. Either way, are you planning on releasing Tennis Champs as soon as approved or waiting for a specific date?* *correct answer is asap
All depends if there's any interest re: App Store featuring.. if there's any going, I may have to wait for a slot they offer.. in which case, I'll still release ASAP in a few territories as a soft launch and let you know where. I'm assuming that won't happen as the game's a bit too old school (don't tend to go for things with on screen d-pads) but can't rule it out