I've created a website called "The Apper". I review game apps on the website. So far I've only done 4 reviews. Please don't flame me, it's my first try at a website/blog. I hope you enjoy the website!!! P-79
I applaud your effort and like the thought! Keep up the good work! I am looking forward to many new app reviews from you!
Thanks! I was wondering what people thought of the design. Any advice, or something you would like to see on the site? Maybe a specific review? P-79
just wanted to say it's a good site and everything but i do have to say you might wanna work on your writing for the reviews. This is just my personal opinion but you don't really go into much depth about what some of the objectives in some of the apps actually are. Also you may consider changing the "Buy or Not" to a rating scale 1-5 or something of the sort, not saying it's bad and i already bookmarked your site, but those are just my 2 cents.
Thanks for the advice. I will try to go more in depth a little more on the actual game itself. Any reviews you want to see? P-79
While I don't mind people mentioning their own sites, I don't think an ongoing update thread is necessarily appropriate. arn