Universal The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (by Nicalis, Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ojtitus, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. gvegas66

    gvegas66 Active Member

    Jan 11, 2017
  2. slayerdude2022

    Feb 6, 2017
    Yeah for sure that would be amazing if you got to play the game with a bluetooth keyboard. BTW ill ask again lol, anyone know the deal with the co-op for the IOS version, how do you activate it? Do you need 2 MFI controllers for it? Can you activate it with 1 MFI controller? thanks.
  3. Doovy

    Doovy Active Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Yeah I figured it out, it's a bit of a hassle but it works. You both need to have the game on the most updated version. Either both connect to the same wifi or ensure you both have Bluetooth on. Remove any background applications as this could interfere with the game, and turn off notifications as banners and alerts will terminate coop. Player 1 should launch BOI, and then start a new run with Isaac. Currently coop is only available with Isaac. Do not move when you spawn. Now player 2 should repeat this by launching BOI and starting a new run with Isaac. Player 2 should temporarily pause their game. Player 1 should begin to play as if they were playing singleplayer, and player 2 should watch for the right moment. Whenever player 1 takes damage, player 2 should exclaim something like "look out!" or "be careful!". When player 1 either completes the run or dies, player 2 should resume their game and the players swap roles. Repeat. If performed correctly this camaraderie will bolster your resolve and will lead to a tangible feeling of cooperative gameplay!
  4. slayerdude2022

    Feb 6, 2017
    A real comedian here, how are you need being paid for this "comedy". I'm just trying to get an answer as to how I can play coop, does literally no one know how to do it.
  5. Doovy

    Doovy Active Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Hey don't take it the wrong way - if I knew any info about it I'd share it. My guess is that there really is no coop and the app store description is incorrect. I've gotten up to beating mum's heart and I haven't seen as much of a smidge of a hint about coop in the game.
  6. slayerdude2022

    Feb 6, 2017
    It's just irritating that such a large feature of the game is practically inaccessible, and even if it is accessible, no one has a clue how to enable it. It would be kinda scummy of the devs to include the co-op in the games description, only for us to find out we are being fooled. Just desperate for a concrete answer is all, seems like no one in the entire community knows or cares lol.
  7. WaywardSoul

    WaywardSoul Member

    Jan 26, 2017
    Is anyone else having iCloud sync issues with this game?

    I have a well-established game going on my phone, and I just downloaded the app onto my iPad as well. I went to "download" but I get an error message saying "not signed into iCloud"...only thing is, I am signed into iCloud. Tried reloading the app and making sure I'm signed into iCloud in settings. Everything should be working but I still get that message. Anyone else have this happen, or know how to fix it? Using iPhone 7 Plus and iPad Pro 12.9 with latest software.
  8. WaywardSoul

    WaywardSoul Member

    Jan 26, 2017
    #728 WaywardSoul, Feb 12, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
    Trust me we care. We just know as much as you do. It simply doesn't look to be there, at all. Anywhere. I've beaten it over 100 times. Hopefully this answers the question. The answer might just be "no". And that's the end of it, regardless of what the description says. The description may be copy/pasted or something. It's not there.
  9. Greatgoat

    Greatgoat Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
    will using the ios gamevice controller work? i am planning to buy one
  10. WaywardSoul

    WaywardSoul Member

    Jan 26, 2017
    Yep sure will
  11. Delusionaltool

    Delusionaltool Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Issac does not have coop it never has unless pc version had a mod for it. Google coop on Binding of issac and see what you find rather than complain about a description. There is power ups and items that give you a coop ai character if that is what they mean.
  12. ChrisL

    ChrisL Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Have you even tried Google-ing 'coop on Binding of Isaac'?
  13. slayerdude2022

    Feb 6, 2017
    I have played co-op isaac obviously on my pc, im simply interested in how I can play it on iOS. I have already researched online, to no success, on how to play co-op on iOS, however no one has a clue how to enable it. The description says it is included, and even goes as far as to specify MFI support for this. So based on all this, I just came here to ask if anyone knows how it works, im not complaining, just looking for a solution to a weird issue.
  14. Mince0

    Mince0 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Face Palm haha you made my day
  15. Kedens

    Kedens Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2013
    Graphic Design/Illustration
    Rochester, NY
    #735 Kedens, Feb 22, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2017
    iOS was my first real experience with Isaac and I absolutely love it. I tried a few rooms years ago on PC before the first remake and am glad I waited. I have an mfi controller but find I've grown more in favor of the touch controls . They seem to allow me to better control Isaac's momentum and I like the way I can toggle shooting tears in and off.

    To anyone opposed to the feel of the controls.. give it time. They are designed they way they are for a reason and once it "clicks" you'll never look back.

    It's a true roguelike with more depth than most. Your pills are essentially your roguelike mystery potions with names and effects static but the assignment of pill type and color is dynamic and changes with each play through.

    The cards are similar to a traditional roguelike's scrolls minus the mystery aspect (their names, appearance and effects are static across All play throughs).

    There's also no cursed, enhanced or enchanted items per se (like you'll find in many roguelikes) but the same trial and error aspect is replicated (and same enjoyment) by slowly giving the player more and more items added to the random pool by completing certain goals (which are a mystery until attained).

    The mystery aspect is the best part and I urge players to avoid a wiki lest they lose the magical aspect of discovery through dedication. If I know an item and forget some details I may on occasion look it up but for the most part the learning curve is part of all the fun.

    The game has so much depth and thoughtful design that I am hooked. I play it far too much and haven't slowed down yet. Most characters unlocked (aside from Sampson and Judas) and all levels completed up to the cathedral and sheoul. All with touch controls .

    I also write down the seeds for my favorite and most fun play throughs (or those cut short by poor planning) so I can revisit them at a later date. I do wish there was an in game seed catalog option to save favorites but it's not hard to make my own...

    It is a riot to play and such a unique and fleshed out roguelike.

    Give it a chance if you enjoy roguelikes and play through the frustrating learning period . You won't regret it
  16. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Great now I'm super interested in coop for this game
  17. Greatgoat

    Greatgoat Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
    hello gamers, how do you unlock Darkness fall, Suicide King, Glass cannon and the family man challenge?

    And everytime i win the challenge, after i touch the trophy, the game crashes, but when i restart the game again the challenge is marked as complete which is ok. i just dont like to restart the apps.
  18. Oats

    Oats Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2011
    Accounting Monkey
    Sunny California
    My nimbus controller/phone-clip came in yesterday!
    Made this gameplay better; 6 stars!!
  19. o0oJAKEo0o

    o0oJAKEo0o Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
    Full-Time Student
    Guess I should get a nimbus. I give it 7 stars without. :)
  20. phred

    phred Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    The trophy crash has happened to me, but not all the time.

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