Again though, Apple has a process for this kind of thing. You can't just skip it and choose to loudly complain instead and expect anything to happen. The appeals process is just something you have to deal with if you want to sell something on the App Store. Stuff gets rejected all the time, often for innocuous reasons, as Apple would rather reject something and then take a closer look at it once the developer appeals instead of approving things which might break the rules. Apple's store, Apple's rules.
Well, at this point, it's been 2 weeks since we've heard anything from Tyrone on this. Do you guys think it's still in review?
Just a guess. I believe the dev is not going to let this option die, but as Eli said, a low profile is necessary to negotiate these things. I guess that's why there's no news about this yet.
So it's been a while since I've seen any news on this, anyone hear anything? I assume that if Apple was going to reconsider, we'd have an update by now (It's been more than a month since tyrone submitted a contact form). If Apple denied it again, that's really disappointing. Isaac on iOS would've been so awesome to have I really don't know much about the sideloading process, but could that be a way around Apple's ban? If we can get F.lux, maybe we can get Isaac someday too
It would have to be open-source to sideload, and I doubt Edmund and Tyrone would be willing to do that. It'd be cool if they put it on the Cydia store, but again I doubt they would. This is my favorite game of all time but even Edmund said it doesn't work too great with touch controls, so I'm not too bummed about it. The good thing about this whole situation is it seems to have motivated them to finish Afterbirth for PS4 and work more on Afterbirth+ for PC. They always get too many projects going at once and they don't have the manpower to finish them all.
Amazing I can't wait for this! I don't think I will ever get anything done if I can play it on my phone as well though.
Oh, I didn't know it would have to be open source. That's too bad, I honestly don't see the issue with touch controls though. There aren't that many buttons, + it could easily be solved by mapping them to the already existing HUD. Tap the bomb icon for bomb, your spacebar item to activate, etc. The Vita version is halfway there already anyway. As for it being imprecise, a few hours of playing would probably correct that. Man, I've never wanted a game on iOS this badly before, it's such a shame it's most likely never gonna happen.
Sorry to resurrect this thread but I still cannot believe this is not getting released. I was very certain Apple was going to wise up and let this game through. I'M SO BUMMED!
If it's any consolation, I'm sure the touch controls would have been brutal! Seems like it would be impossible without a good MFI controller.
Feral Fury is good, but just made me want Isaac on iOS so bad I had to bust out a tweet haha. Please Apple don't drop the ball again!