Universal The Light Inside Us : Upcoming Indie game for mobile

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by abhineetprasad, May 12, 2015.

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  1. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    #1 abhineetprasad, May 12, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
    ANNOUNCEMENT: The Light Inside Us is now available on iOS at https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1013478481

    Hello everyone,

    I am so excited (and nervous) to show you the result in-progress of our indie adventure "The Light Inside Us" !!

    The Light Inside Us

    The Light Inside Us is a strategy action game that takes you into the dilemma of a divided mind.

    Check out the DEMO here !!! for android devices.


    Set in an abstract world, you play as the embodiment of good within the main character’s mind which is challenged at vital points in his life. Your enemies are the evil voices in the character’s subconsciousness that constantly seek and attack you as you, ”The Light”, put up the last stand. These voices fill in the backstory that culminated to this vital moment and provide compelling arguments for you to give in.


    The Light Inside Us is unique in the way it brings action to the mobile platform. You are made up of a certain number of particles without any ability. You imbibe an ability as you pass through special areas. Every ability allows you to attack your enemy with your own particles in a different way. You lose particles as you attack and gain particles by converting your enemies with every attack. Consequently, if you run out of particles , you die and the character caves in to his vices.
    Our intention is to build our game around this tug-of-war relationship between the good and bad that often takes place in everybody’s life at some point.

    Current Status

    So far we have built 10 levels, developed 2 abilities and one kind of enemy. Reflective walls game element and a third ability is nearly done and levels incorporating these new elements are currently being designed.
    All the artwork is programmer made and the game as of now is silent. The rough of plot of the story has been laid out . We are now fleshing out the details.


    With atleast 4 more abilities , 3 different kinds of enemies, evolution in enemies, few special game elements such as reflective walls, teleportation zones ,level transformation zones we plan to make a compelling 100 level game divided into 3-4 Acts which will tell the story of the game.
    We are also aiming at keeping the gameplay duration per level between 2-4 absolutely engaging minutes to better adhere to the average mobile user.

    Hopefully, we will find an artist and a sound/music composer to lend their expertise to our game. We will keep you posted!
    We would absolutely love to hear your thughts :) so please drop in a comment.

    Update 1: Bomb Weapon and Reflective Walls

    Bomb Weapon: Though expensive in terms of the particles it uses to convert enemies, bomb weapons are particularly useful in enclosed wide areas as it has the ability to fly over walls.

    Reflective Walls: The reflection of the particles against walls allows for interesting attack points and angles in the game. I am particularly excited about this game element as its fun discovering cool things that can be done in level design with this feature.
  2. Spock4Pres

    Spock4Pres Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2014
    Im interested to see where this goes. If you need testers, count me in.
  3. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    #3 abhineetprasad, May 13, 2015
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
    Thank you Spock4Pres for your interest. We will try to post updates frequently and let you know as soon as we have a testable build.
  4. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    Update 1: Bomb Weapon and Reflective Walls

    Bomb Weapon: Though expensive in terms of the particles it uses to convert enemies, bomb weapons are particularly useful in enclosed wide areas as it has the ability to fly over walls.

    Reflective Walls: The reflection of the particles against walls allows for interesting attack points and angles in the game. I am particularly excited about this game element as its fun discovering cool things that can be done in level design with this feature.
  5. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    Update 2: Experiment with 3d looking tiles and some house music.

    This week we worked on integrating our story line into the game and experimented with 3d looking tiles. I also discovered Kygo and became a fan of tropical house. Now, I desperately want a sound guy to fix up something for us. Meanwhile, I added basic beats to the game for the time being cause it felt just way too silent. Let me know what you guys think of it.

    Good news: We found a very talented artist. Most likely , he will join us after next weekend. All the artwork so far was programmer art :/
  6. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    Update 3: The Story

    Here's a little sneak peak into the story of our game.


    You're in the mind of a scientist who is about to embark on a dangerous mission to look for extra-terrestrial life.
    This abstract game happens inside his mind which is torn between desire to pursue his dream and the costs associated with it. The squarish character you control is the last source of light inside him which compels him to move on and undertake the mission. The red square tiles are voices inside his mind that try to turn him to their side. They try to convince him what a stupid idea it is. And for all we know it probably is a stupid idea.

    So far we have scripted the first act of the story and while we have an outline of how the story will progress, we are working out the script for Act 2 and 3.
  7. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    #7 abhineetprasad, Jun 18, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2015
    Update 4: Beta build Menu + Analytics


    I didn't particularly enjoy doing this a lot but it had to be done - "Game Menu". This is temporary though and will be replaced as soon as our artist gives us something better. Yes, you heard that right! We've finally found a super talented guy to help us out with our game art assets. I am so excited about this!
    However, on a not so exciting note I also took some time to integrate analytics into our game.I miss the time I was working on the gameplay and levels and thinking of more game features. Anyway, we will now shortly be ready for beta testing on iOS. My partner is working very hard to get an android build ready in a week. So if any of you out there would like to try out our game please let us know. We would love to hear from you.
  8. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Very intriguing, looks like it will be very good!
    I'd love to test when you're ready.
  9. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    @vectorarchitekt Thank you so much for taking interest in our game. That boosts our motivation level manifold times. We'll announce our beta build very soon. :)
  10. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    #10 abhineetprasad, Jun 30, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
    Beta Testers Invited


    We are so excited to announce that we are finally ready to send you our game for beta testing. We have builds prepared both for iOS and android devices so please go ahead .. send us your email address using this form and we'll email you our game.
    We are very eager to hear from you and take your help in designing and making our game better.
  11. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    New Trailer : The Light Inside Us

    Here's a new trailer we made for The Light Inside Us. Things are getting interesting as we start testing our beta build. People complained about fingers blocking their view on smaller phones, so we've added to option to invert controls. With inverted controls you tap behind the guy to shoot forward like pulling in a bow and arrow. It makes aiming a lot more tough but solves the problem of hiding your screen to a certain extent. I prefer the older mechanic as you can always tap on the periphery to get the direction right(which is all that matters) but my views are definitely biased.

    Please give us your email via form below to get access to our beta build and help us with your insight :) !!
  12. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2010
    #12 TokyoDan, Aug 4, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2015
    I want to beta test The Light Inside Us!

    Hello. I love the abstract minimalist design of this game. It reminds me of Rymkapsel, one of my all time favorites. I just downloaded the Android build and was surprised to see that it runs on my old ASUS tablet. I'd sure love to test it on my iPad Air. I just sent you my email address vis your beta form.

  13. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2010
    Any news on the beta?

    Hi, I signed up a while ago but never received and news about the beta.
  14. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    Hi TokyoDan,
    Thankyou so much for checking out our game and signing up for the beta release.
    I am extremely sorry for not having been able to get back to you earlier. We were showcasing our game at casual connect and most of our time was spent travelling.
    However, we have added you to our test flight users and you should be getting an invite soon.
    We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas or complaints / suggestions that you may have for The Light Inside Us.
    Thanks once again for the appreciation. It means a lot to us.

  15. slarti88

    slarti88 Active Member

    Apr 30, 2015
    Freelance software developer
    The Light Inside Us is back and is nearing completion!

    Hey everyone

    I'm one of the developers of The Light Inside Us. Its been a while since we posted an update on this thread. But we've been working hard on this game continuously and it has come along really nicely.

    To start off here's our new gameplay trailer which shows off how much the game has changed since you last saw it!

    As you can see it looks far better than what it used to. The gameplay is still essentially the same, but there are a tons of new features now which makes it a lot more interesting to play and helps us come up with a large number of varied and interesting levels. Here are a few features that are shown in the trailer as well

    1. Forces - That bend your weapon and make direct shots harder
    2. Portals - That as the name suggests teleport your shots to another point in the game
    3. Boosters - That increase the range and speed of your shots
    4. Barriers - That block certain kinds of weapons

    I wouldn't want to give away too much! :) But in addition to these there are a few more amazing features that'll blow your mind when you get to them :D

    Even the enemies get more varied and advanced forcing players to not rely completely on the strategies they learn initially and figure out new ways of beating these enemies.

    We'll elaborate a little more on the tons of things that I haven't covered here very soon. We'll also be sending a test-flight update to those who've registered and in-case you haven't registered for testing the game you can still do so by filling this form :)

  16. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    Hello everyone,

    The Light Inside Us has seen some major changes over the last two months. While the change in the overall aesthetics of the game is more apparent, the more subtle change in the narrative equally important.

    The new narrative takes you on a story of a family of sentient light beings (the white cubes) wandering across a new abstract planet that they have come across. This planet made up of its many floating islands has many surprises too offer. These surprises make up the features of our game and perhaps also play a part in an underlying conspiracy.

    The game narrative is now conveyed via small scenes made up of in game elements. Scattered all throughout the levels, these small scenes not only further the story a little but also provide a brief intro of the features that come up.
    The big reveal obviously comes at the very end and we hope that those of you who play through the 60 levels , will like what you discover.

    We are working very hard wrapping up the game and preparing it for our submission to the iOS app store so that we can bring the game to you this November. I'll keep posting small sneak-peeks into the game frequently on this forum and would love to hear from you.

    At the risk of sounding a bit nerdy I would like to mention that we thought up these features by looking at the wave & particle properties of light. As far as the game is concerned , we don't mention photon anywhere in it ;) . Its just a story of a family trying to stay together in trying times!
  17. adhyani37

    adhyani37 New Member

    Oct 30, 2015

    Would be surprised if this game does not make it to the editor's choice/trending page. For testers do count me in.
  18. slarti88

    slarti88 Active Member

    Apr 30, 2015
    Freelance software developer
    Thanks Adhyani! :)

    We'll be rolling out a testflight update in a few days. Do PM me your email address and I'll add you to our beta-testers so you can get the update
  19. background

    background Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    looking forward to the updates.
  20. abhineetprasad

    May 1, 2015
    New Beta Version Released


    We are extremely excited to announce the release of our latest beta version. This version gives you access to the entire game with all the cut scenes/animations and features that will be present in our final game.
    We need your feedback now more than ever and want to thank all of you for your continued support. Hopefully this build will solve some of the issues that you faced with the previous ones.
    We are also super thrilled to let you know that "The Light Inside Us" won the Upcoming Game of the year award at the Nasscom Game Developer Conference organised in India. This couldn't have come at a better time as we are extremely close to the release of the game and need all the love that we can get.

    Please PM me if you would like to beta test our game and have not received a build already.

    Looking forward to your feedback.

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