iPhone The Spatials (by Carlos Carrasco)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 5, 2014.

  1. icepulse

    icepulse Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    I absolutely LOVE this game. The art style on the planet surfaces is reminiscent of Terry Gilliam, and just feels so fun! I like the combat controls a LOT. running into the fray w/ the one-two punch of sniper rifle > grenade is a hoot. I've honestly invested more time on this game, in the last two days, than I have on any iOS game in recent memory. Keep those updates coming!

    One suggestion, above all others, would be to introduce some manner of surface transportation upgrade, like a rover. Something to speed up land travel.
  2. baldeagle86

    baldeagle86 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Got this today and it's so refreshing! 1 currency? No paywalls? A truly free uninhibited experience!? I'll be getting the doubler to remove ads but more so to support a dev team that actually thinks! My only question so far was why decide against having no timers for things to run in the background? You mentioned it was to cut out paying for timers to finish instantly, but I would think queuing up a bunch of building and knowing it was happening behind the scenes would be better. I admit I haven't played much at all so maybe it gets better and I'm just being a whiner, anyways GREAT game devs and I'll be supporting it and for sure checking out future titles!
  3. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Wish this was on iPhone :(
    Surely it can be done as you can zoom in, and this would make buttons bigger. Only time u zoom out is mainly exploring isn't it
  4. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    This game nicely scratches my "Space Colony" itch, and what's better is I don't have to deal with the messy personalities (though they were admittedly hilarious) and in this game you have one base and go elsewhere to do the jobs.

    Cudos to the dev :)

    Question : am I missing something or is it impossible to move objects around In the base and/or sell the objects in the base without selling the floor their sitting on?
  5. j_rk

    j_rk Member

    Jan 22, 2014
    Great wee game, will definitely pick up the coin doubler soon :)

    Lots of good constructive criticism above. The only other thing I would add is that it would be nice to be able to rotate the view around your base to help with tile placement.

    Other than that keep up the good work, really looking forward to future updates!
  6. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Bottom left corner, one of those two buttons removes the walls visually. Helped me emensley with structure layout.
  7. j_rk

    j_rk Member

    Jan 22, 2014
    Cheers Taeles, that does help a lot!
  8. carlosww

    carlosww Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
    Yup, this is clearly more important than anticipated. We will improve the in-game help with more info on resources and recipes.

    Indeed there are some slow parts we will try to fix for the next version (walk speed and covering big distances in exploration mode). But yeah the builder mechanics are not for everybody, we know :)

    We want everything that's not direct player interaction to last less than 20 seconds. We come from a PC perspective and stuff like "queue and wait for two hours", while it may make sense for a device you always carry on you, won't really apply for an (offline) desktop game. We want to make the game as portable between platforms as possible, not just in code, but also in mechanics.

    Of course we don't hate timer/background running games at all. Nimblebit games are great for these mechanics, with a good balance. We just wanted to do something different.

    We would have really liked to make it universal but the UI as-is completely sucks on iPhone. Combat at max zoom is doable as you mention, but the station menu, staff screen, almost all dialog buttons, they are all too small. Refitting everything to accomodate bigger buttons would need a new UI, including spliting some screens into multiple panels. We are only two people working on The Spatials so we had to make compromises, and leaving out the iPhone, so we could prepare the code for a PC port, was one.

    It's not possible, yet. We are thinking on ways to make the demolish tool smarter and to be able to edit objects once they have been built.

    That's something we discarded at some point too, in order to save art development time (less angles to draw!). That said we are thinking on ways to improve the building tools so you can line up your designs better.

    Thank you very much everybody for the feedback (positive and negative)!
  9. baldeagle86

    baldeagle86 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    That makes so much sense!
  10. Admiral Weekender

    Admiral Weekender New Member

    Jun 6, 2013
    This is exactly the kind of game I was looking for this week. Hats off to the devs - I played for 5 minutes, and then grabbed the coin doubler because I knew that I would be playing for much, much longer.

    I've only encountered one serious bug: I deleted a tile from underneath one of my people, and then they were instantly teleported to the starting 3x3 tile room, and were stuck there - they wanted to eat or sleep, but couldn't, so I had to wait for them to slooooowly regain morale before the next mission. I'm happy to say that I haven't encountered any show-stopping bugs since then.
  11. crazychimp

    crazychimp Active Member

    Dec 16, 2009
    This is a great little games, visuals look good, touch controls work great, not too complex but has enough to keep you interested. My only complaint is its a tad slow. When exploring planets and collecting plants etc it takes an age to zig zag across the map. Keep up the good work, has great potential.
  12. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    #32 CalinR, May 8, 2014
    Last edited: May 8, 2014

    I encountered a bug, where the medic doesn't go use any of the available beds despite needing to. Not sure if a glitch or not, but reloading the game didn't seem to fix it.

    It's pretty neat so far. I'm going to wait and see how replayable it turns out to be, and what other components and mechanics happen by the end(?) galaxy, but I'm strongly considering paying for the coin doubler or ad remover, whatever's closer to 5 bucks. Y'all could have made a fermium game, and didn't, which is greatly appreciated.

    I'll try top at a Pic regarding glitch below, but it's always a crap shoot trying to do that, sometimes I can, sometimes not.

    Edit: just realized the screenshot is too big to post, not sure what to do in this case. I'll try to crop it.
  13. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    Glitch pic. Medic just sits there doing the action animation but not moving to a bed. Sorry, finger slipped.

    Edit: still no luck even with the cropped pic. Sorry y'all.
  14. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    Try to post the pic with the iPhone. I can't post pics with the iPad either. I think it's a TA app bug.
  15. icepulse

    icepulse Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    What do the asterisks over certain creature's heads represent?
  16. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    Thanks for the suggestion. It's frustrating cause 20% of the times I try, it works. I'll try and transfer it to the iPhone and do it that way.
  17. Ubisububi

    Ubisububi Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2009
    Almost missed this one because it was free...

    Open-ended exploration/building with a randomly generated galaxy each game. This is old-school goodness, and I'll happily throw down for the coin doubler and maybe some currency to support the Dev.

    My only purchase this week. I hope it gets some love.
  18. Leonick

    Leonick Member

    Nov 14, 2010
    Enjoyable game, can't help but feel everything is just a bit too slow though. Everything you do just takes a little bit to long, be it building a room, regenerating morale or walking around in a mission, so slow.

    Also, there is no auto-save?! WTF? I just lost about an our of gameplay because I tapped out and played something else for a moment. That's just not OK. On iOS (especially old devices with less RAM) putting an app in the background is just a click of a button away. If the user then opens another game it's very likely that the one just put in the background will be closed to give more RAM to the active app so the app needs to make sure it saves the state it is in, this is NOT something the user should ever have to concern themselves with!
  19. JJE

    JJE Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2012
    Boston, Massachusetts
    One of those small gems that pop up when you surf the net looking for something to catch your attention.
    Piled in a couple of hours so this is just a first impression:

    - there's so much more to this game than is explained I the short tutorial pages. Not knowing where my first table was coming from was frustrating. On away missions I just guessed that tapping on a crew member would zoom to the team. That wasn't explained anywhere.

    - crew members are dumb and a tad fat. (I think it's all that soy). Seriously with a crew of four I've built five tables and five beds and they still wander about looking for a place to sit or sleep.

    - I'm amused by the path finding. All crew do their own thing on their way to the next objective. But when combat happens it feels to me like they bunch up and my poor engineer got pounded into stasis a couple of times because of it.

    - combat is "unique". Dragging from the toolbar to the target is clunky. The sweeping target line is serviceable but, again, it took a bit of trying before I realized your finger has to be on a target for a shot to hit. The sweeping target line doesn't give you that impression.

    - everything for sale in game is expensive requiring a certain amount of grind. Hiring a new crew member (as opposed to questing for one) is very hard early game. Additionally I have a sneaking suspicion I'm going to run into severe food shortages mid to late game. It might require replaying early seed levels.

    - story? Not sure there is one. There's a lot of bounty work the playoffs for which are really light. Would like to see more NPC interaction. As it is tho there are a lot of kill X number mobs or collect X number seeds missions. After a while that might just seem like busy work.

    - art style is quite nice. I only wish I could rotate the screen. Ah well.

    Overall it's a very cool management/exploration game without any of the timers and multiple currencies that have ruined so many games recently. I really am interested in seeing where this is going to go.
    I picked up the doubler within the first half hour.
    Gotta support this kind of unique design and thinking.
  20. KiwiRed

    KiwiRed Active Member

    Oct 28, 2011
    Christchurch, NZ
    I've been enjoying the game since installing it this morning, but I launched it just now and discovered my day's progress is gone - only given the option of starting a new game when the game launched. Hoping this is a rare bug? (I'm just glad I didn't buy any credits alongside the coin doubler)

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