iPhone The Spatials (by Carlos Carrasco)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 5, 2014.

  1. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    Sorry I haven't followed the whole thread. Is version 2.0 going to be a completely new game or just an upgrade to the current game? Also I personally always feel like I'm cheating if I buy any sort of doubler. I guess I'm a gaming purist in that way.

    Regardsless, best of luck with your 2.0 release!
  2. carlosww

    carlosww Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
    The core gameplay is going to be the same: build a space station, take care of your officers, explore planets, blow up some stuff in the process. But we are going to expand every area with new content (the station will support NPC visitors for example), and we will remove or simplify stuff that now is not very fun or clear (the passive items for example). The base of the game will be 1.0 for sure, same screens, art, menus, just loaded with more stuff to do and (we hope) more fun gameplay.

    As for the actual iPad app, we still don't know if we are going to release 2.0 as a new, separate app, or if we are going to do it as an update to the current one. We want to completely redo the monetization in 2.0 so it's going to be difficult to support the previous version at the same time. But, by releasing a new app, we lose the current install base, that while not very big it's better than 0. Decisions, decisions.

    If you are interested in 2.0 you can read the last two blog posts about it here: http://thespatials.com/blog.html

    Thanks for your wishes!
  3. mutts

    mutts Active Member

    Jun 28, 2013
    #123 mutts, Jun 15, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014

    I do hope it will be an update, since i paid for the add removal.
    Or the iap is transferable then there is no problem :)

    I also noticed and i know this is mentioned earlier in this thread. That some gathering missions are missing the required objects to complete. Currently im on Detic an astriod (see file yes it's an old shot, still had adds :) ) and need to gather 14 seeds, but there are only 6 loot crates and no lifeforms to get seeds from. and no enviremental object to blowup or take seeds from.vI'm guessing this will be solved in 2.0 which i'm currently checking out on the pc.

    Further nice to see that you keep getting involved and listen.

    Attached Files:

  4. carlosww

    carlosww Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
    This is happening because at level 3 the game won't spawn hostile mobs in bounty planets (to not overwhelm a newbie player). This is OK in other kinds of planets, where peaceful mobs are allowed to spawn, but in asteroids and gas planets the only allowed mobs are hostiles. So the end result is a bounty that cannot be completed. Try to skip this planet and just do the level 4 campaign mission, you will open up a lot more planets and real combat will start. For 2.0 we are going to revamp the bounty/campaign system and we will fix this situation. We are also thinking about a 1.0.3 version to fix the lingering 1.0 issues like this one.
  5. Ubisububi

    Ubisububi Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2009
    I don't envy developers trying to find a way to get paid for their work these days. With the rush toward F2P, it seems that gamers are losing sight of the fact that paying up front for a game is always a better deal. I will always seek to support developers who wrestle with this issue rather than simply jumping on the bandwagon; which would be far, far easier.
  6. mutts

    mutts Active Member

    Jun 28, 2013

    Thnx for the answer, keep it up.
  7. Tango

    Tango Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2010
    Any updates on the update?
  8. Greyskull

    Greyskull Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l
    Fort Lauderdale
    It's out.
  9. Ubisububi

    Ubisububi Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2009
    #129 Ubisububi, Sep 28, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
    All ads and IAPs removed, but I don't regret previous purchases. Hope it gets some legs now.

    Now that I have my iPhone 6+ I'm really wishing for iphone support...
  10. DeNappa

    DeNappa Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    I haven't played this, but it seemed interesting enough to put on my watch list a while back, although I haven't had the time to download/play it so far.

    Also if you're changing this to a paid app, wouldn't you think €.89 is a bit unambitious? And reading some of the earlier posts, are you combining this with a new pr strategy?
  11. carlosww

    carlosww Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
    It fixes all reported 1.0.x bugs, with the exception of one related to old 1.0.0 saves. We also weren't able to backport the new control scheme from version 2 since it's tied to the new side arm weapon system.

    The big thing is removing all ads and IAP and changing the game balance to make this possible.

    Maybe if there was a way to target only 6+ in the App Store. That being said the new combat system in version 2 is a lot more usable for small screens, no more precise aiming for most of your attacks, just touch in the vicinity of enemies and your crew autoaims and autofires with 100% accuracy if they are in range. Still other tools like floor building haven't changed and we still find them too fiddly in a screen smaller than an iPad mini. If we intended version 2 to be free we wouldn't mind making the game universal so much (just download it for free and find out if the size of the UI is OK for your hands/screen/patience combo, delete it if not), but we cannot ask for money when we personally don't find it usable on some devices.

    It's an OK price for version 1.0.3, which is what you get right now. We would love to make version 2 available right now in the App Store, with a proper price, but Apple doesn't allow alphas. And trying to game the system and slip a version we don't consider finished (lots of FIXME messages, broken saves between versions, etc) as a final product would only lead to bad reviews.

    That being said Tier 1 price for 1.0.3 is exploratory. It could go up, or it could go down. Because as you mention publishing now 1.0.3 is also part of our PR work. We wanted to get everybody who downloaded version 1 to know about version 2 and point them to our home page, and we quite literally did so in 1.0.3. We don't expect downloads of 1.0.3 from new users to have any significance at all, even if we still kept it free. The main PR push for iPad will come later, closer to the final release, since we can't do promotion for an iPad Early Access release that cannot exist.
  12. DanRiverBrew

    DanRiverBrew Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2013
    Hi. I really liked the idea of the game and it played well, but quit because of the balance of credits and IAP. I'm redownloading now to try out 1.0.3 since I read the notes. I'm very excited for the changes.

    That being said I also have a 6+ and would much rather play on that than our families old shared iPad. Will v2 have iphone support?
  13. carlosww

    carlosww Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
    Nice! If you have any comments on the current 1.0 balance please do tell me.

    6+ could be playable, it's not that far from an iPad mini, and we do a lot of auto/adaptive targeting in v2. But making it universal means making it available all the way back to the iPhone 4. There's no way it's playable on that screen, not even with my nerdy thin fingers. It would require a new UI and we don't have the time or resources to do it. If/when we do a new game we won't make this mistake again, but for The Spatials v2, it's not going to be possible.
  14. DanRiverBrew

    DanRiverBrew Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2013
    I've been playing again up to level 6. So far the balance seems great. I'm enjoying it a lot and will be recommending it to my iPad friends.

    Bummer about the phone part but I understand.

    Will there be new room or object types in v2? It would be fun to have a research station where it locks a scientist into 'researching' for maybe 1-4 hours and you get a random passive/active. Maybe you could upgrade the facility (object) so you have higher % chance at the 3 star items. Cost credits to upgrade objects. Better planters, ration makers etc could be upgraded
  15. carlosww

    carlosww Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
    v2 has nearly 100 new objects, 20 rooms and 30+ resource types. Take a look a this screenshot:


    v1 is around 15% the size of v2, in terms of variety and space station content.

    We don't like the "X hours to get Y" mechanics. We know timer games are well accepted in the iOS world but it feels very strange to have them in a premium game (which v2 will be). We do have a research tree in v2, see:


    Unlocking research nodes is based on paying a price, both credits and resources. And the resources happen to be drops that only happen past level X planets, so the progression is loosely coupled, and it makes you "go and do stuff" vs "wait X hours", which we prefer.

    As for skill items we are leaning more on making it more centered on the combat and less on the warehouse gambling object or the colony shops. For example we are thinking about making the v2 bounties have a fully revealed item reward, so you can pick interesting bounties based on the item you want. Plus adding a difficulty setting to bounties so you have higher chances of phat loot in exchange for stronger enemies. Basically making item acquisition more about blowing up stuff than clicking on shops and objects.

    We don't plan on upgrading facilities, but instead we will be upgrading officers. Having a very experienced cook will reward you with resource multipliers and speedier cooking, but he may grow a bit of an ego too, and demand a private room and an exclusive table in the bistro.
  16. DanRiverBrew

    DanRiverBrew Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2013
    #136 DanRiverBrew, Oct 7, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    Wow just wow!! I'm super pumped. I can't wait to tell my nerd friends lol :)

    So will each of the officers be able to gain levels?

    I also like the idea of do stuff vs. wait x hours. Sometimes a mix can be fun, or better yet a little gambling aspect instead of the "hurry up and wait" would be a fun way to blow off some credits.
  17. carlosww

    carlosww Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
    More like skillups in a particular task. Combat is still 100% based on the item levels you equip on officers.

    Gambling may be back in the form of "reroll this bounty reward for X credits, but you still need to land on this planet and kill the boss".
  18. DanRiverBrew

    DanRiverBrew Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2013
    I'm getting super pumped about v2+!! Now TA needs to do a little write up on their Blog page talking about your 1.3 switch to Premium app and how your are making the game 7x larger! RPG/SciFi fans should know about this as it could be huge!

    Thanks for changing to Premium, i'm in major love right now and will be glad to buy a Spatials 2 if you go that route in the App store.
  19. carlosww

    carlosww Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
    I recently contacted the TA tips email about The Spatials v2, but they are super busy and didn't reply. PR is very hard to do, with every medium-big site constantly inundated with emails. It's much worse for sites like TA. I think the key is to build more community first, and keep trying. And that's what we are doing :)
  20. akaimi

    akaimi Member

    Oct 8, 2014
    #140 akaimi, Oct 8, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
    a futuristic building with 100 planets available which is huge !!!

    iphone 6s plus iphone 5s

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