Universal Tiny Tower 5th Anniversary Edition Beta Thread

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by eeenmachine, Apr 14, 2016.

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  1. huttican

    huttican Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    I have my tower going on ios. Wanted to try it also on android. Played a while on android after i activated cloud and successfully loading my tower. But now i have different games on ios and android. No matter what i do i cant load the game as of android which is a more recent game.
    Do i miss something here?
  2. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    The time needed to get enough coins to buy a floor and then the time for it to get built ramp up pretty quickly.
    I don't remember if it was as high for TT OG.

    It feels a bit punishing imho in the late game to have to wait 4 days for a floor to be built after having waited at least the same time to gather the coins.
    Maybe having a cap for the building of the floor itself at 2 days would help.
  3. eeenmachine

    eeenmachine Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2008
    Independent Game Developer
    San Diego, CA
    #383 eeenmachine, May 17, 2016
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
    We ran into this in the office yesterday, will follow up and see if there was a fix found. Could you open the cloud menu on both devices and tell us what the tiny white numbers at the bottom say?

    Edit now I remember what caused it, the background android process crashed and wasn't resumed. Try rebooting the Android device and see if that fixes it.
  4. eeenmachine

    eeenmachine Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2008
    Independent Game Developer
    San Diego, CA
    I don't remember construction times getting that high in Vegas, what floor number are you seeing 4 days for? This might be because there are more floors here than there were to build in Vegas.
  5. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    My 213 floors Tiny Tower (10Z5) asks more than 4 days to build a new floor :(
    I didn't talk about TT Vegas, I meant the original (OG) Tiny Tower. Maybe I don't remember and you haven't changed the formula.

    Anyways, an increase in time to build determined by a simple formula made sense when you had 100 floors. But now that you have more than 200 floors, imho it should have a cap at 2 or 3 days max.
    Or else, in my case at least, it discourages engagement. I feel like I shouldn't have to earn coins for 5 days and then have to wait 4 more days for a new floor.
  6. eeenmachine

    eeenmachine Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2008
    Independent Game Developer
    San Diego, CA
    Can you let me know what the bux cost is to rush 4 days of construction?
  7. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Tiny Tower 5th Anniversary Edition Beta Thread

    1000 Bux.
    Ok so that's where you've put a cap. :p
    My other 50 floors tower rush cost is 500 Bux. I guess the rush price stays at 1000 Bux from the 100th floor or so?

    I never rush construction with Bux, better use them elsewhere. So I didn't think of looking at the hurry construction price ;)

    I see how doing 10 hide and seek missions is kinda ok price for sparing 4 days of construction.

    Also, people starting fresh now will get at the 200th floor in at least a year. So by then, they should have a daily bonus of over 1000 Bux.

    Seeing the new prices from a legacy 200 floors tower viewpoint skews things.
    Not easy to balance for you between new players, old players starting again with golden tickets, and old players staying with their huge tower. :/
  8. baldeagle86

    baldeagle86 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    I remember waiting 7 days for a floor to be built... I'm in the camp that likes the incremental wait with every floor getting bigger (no limit) though, but I understand why others would want a limit!
  9. FortyOneNY

    FortyOneNY Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2012
    #389 FortyOneNY, May 18, 2016
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
    Once in a while on Android, I'll choose to view an ad for bux only to be greeted with a black screen with a volume icon and lock icon. The ad never plays. The only way to get back to the game is to quit it and restart. Probably an ad server issue rather than yours, but I wanted to mention it. I'm running Android 5.1 on a first gen Moto G.

    Add my iOS tower // Add my Android tower
  10. huttican

    huttican Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    Its fixed indeed. Thanks
  11. Lorena

    Lorena Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    In the bitizens menu there is an empty tab. I think it could be usefull if it tell the bitiziens in the birthday order. With this you can see easy the next birthday.
  12. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #392 vicsark, May 19, 2016
    Last edited: May 19, 2016
    I'm thinking about rebuilding my iPad 200+ floors legacy tower.
    Tbh, the game isn't much fun with so many floors. It's just about collecting the last few 9 dream jobbers. And it gets a bit old.
    Also only one new floor a week, maybe 3 in 2 weeks time at best.
    My iPhone 50 floors game is much more enjoyable and the early game is a lot of fun.

    So if I may recap, when rebuilding, you keep the following:
    -elevator speed
    -costumes unlocked
    -cosmetic unlocks (lobby/roof/elevator skins)
    -get 1 golden ticket per 50 floors.
    You lose:
    -all floors
    -all Bitizens including lobby VIPs

    What are you able to do with the saved tower? Just visiting for good ol' times sake?

    And finally, what would you guys do with 5 golden tickets?
    More commercial or residential golden tickets floors?
    Knowing I may send a few peeps back and forth between my 2 games and empty the golden apartments.
    I'm afraid to be overwhelmed with perfect 99999 Bitizens if I have too many golden apartments. I'd gift a lot of them I guess:D

    But I'm not sure how useful golden commercial floors are after the first one dedicated to use buyout VIPs on the 3rd item?

    Or I could go play Fallout 4 I just bought :p
  13. huttican

    huttican Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    #393 huttican, May 19, 2016
    Last edited: May 19, 2016
    I did rebuild my pre-beta fully maxed tower. To get 4 tickets made it to 200 first and with nimblebit gift have 5 now.
    Agree about early towers alot more fun. You can do find x bitizen missions quite easy which i was completely skipping same missions on my maxed vegas tower. So you have a decent bux flow. Problem is, you need to upgrade floors to level 4 so they dont deplete too frequently.
    Also have a spare device for a second tower.
    Now i am about to hit 50 again (3 floors left) and i learned alot what to do next time.

    Beware that rest might be hard to read :)

    I will build only one color of business, that eases to collecting dream jobbers. That will be red floors since they have more stock in general. So when i have a red dream jobber i will keep it else will donate if i can or evict. Also need to keep an eye if i have more than 3 dream jobbers for a floor that i havent yet build, need to evict surpluses.
    Second tower goes in here, it will have only 1 commercial floor that is a golden one, and as much residental i can with goldens. So i when i can play that tower i will collect red dream jobbers and send to main tower.
    Now, main tower wont have any residental goldens. And at the beginning i dont plan to collect dream jobbers but one for the golden floors, ince they are already level 10 they take a lot to deplete anyways. So one golden residental with high stock values will get dream jobbers so i can use VIP on that floor, and switch that jobbers to other golden floors when they need to restock.

    That leaves me able to keep less residental floor than i would need. I can make residentals when i have enough space for new bitizens.
    Normal residental floors will be level 4 and will be filled with dream jobbers when i can, or with the bitizens i have but dont yet build the relevant floor.
    Rinse and repeat, how many times i am not sure but if i can, at some point i can do only 1 residental floor and 49 golden floor before rebuilding :)

    After a few times you can completely transfer 9 skilled between towers so will be faster. Second tower is kinda cheating but hey i am hoarder as i said before and it will take a lot time anyways.
  14. eeenmachine

    eeenmachine Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2008
    Independent Game Developer
    San Diego, CA
    Thanks for the report, I'll pass it on!
  15. FRnchFRy

    FRnchFRy Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
    Hey! I'm just now discovering testflight and I remembered that the new tiny tower was in beta. I sent a request to join it. Hope I get a chance to try it out!
  16. FortyOneNY

    FortyOneNY Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2012
    Just curious: Will you be granting Android testers a golden ticket the way you granted one to iOS testers? :)
  17. QC Runner

    QC Runner New Member

    Aug 22, 2014
    Friend Request

    I don't see any add me threads yet. So adding here for now. Please add 145C.
  18. Robot:String

    Robot:String Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2013
    Game & Web Designer
    Madrid, Spain
    Got a promo code.
    14NQ is my code. Add me, please.
  19. Thejoshua79

    Thejoshua79 New Member

    May 22, 2016
    Friend request

    Rebuilt my tower star wars themed, looking for friends! Code: 14NW
  20. lisianne

    lisianne Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2010
    Somewhere else
    Just found thread

    Skipped through thread which I stumbled upon (doing a lot of work & reading these days), gleaning some info. Is it too late to try beta?

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