I hadn't heard of that game until I just now looked it up, but yes, something along those lines, but with more hand-to-hand melee combat and less gunplay.
The apps I've published to date involved various contributors. I have a long time collaborators and friends that assisted with Xiangqi and the upcoming "World to Conquer" Card Shark had some resources designed by a former coworker. Sniper vs. Pirates, Bug Juice, and Karate Fighter incorporated hand-drawn and 3d rendered assets from a former worker and friend. Additional art for the "Karate Fighter Revenge" update was contracted from Team LePixels. Pocket Boxer (coming soon) is using contracted art. Hurdler and Diver Dan (complete, coming soon) are based on existing games from the guys at thegames.page.com, leveraging resources they created and incorporating new assets created to enhance the iphone ports.
While I'd love to see volunteers present concept art, I think it's a little premature to worry too much about final in-game art assets just yet. When I'm freed up, I think a good approach would be to mock the game up as quickly as possible using placeholder art (scribbles or even shapes), focusing 100% on gameplay. The final presentation is incredibly important if you hope to make more than have a brief blip in the appstore, but in my opinion it's generally more effective to do a skinning on top of proven gameplay than to make art first and then try and create a game around it.
!!! This sounds great. I can't wait! Just ask if you need help with anything, i can do basically everything but it seems as if you have it all worked out so... Anyway best of luck and ill definitely be supporting this game when it is released. Any estimated release date yet or still to early?
In terms of graphics... how about using "sketch" models for gameplay? Picture it like hi-def colourless doodling, or just black and white manga kind of art style. If everything is done in that kind of art style, it would look quite cool... just dont use stickmen. I would post a pic of what i mean, but i have to study, exam tomorrow
I'm a programmer (Java, C++, VB.net, C#.net) for a living. Unfortunately I do not even own a mac or have any idea what the iDevice apps are coded in. I do however like the game ideas, especially the first one. I've been dying for a SmashTV style game with more of Starcraft kind of controls. I've considered writing one for my WinMo device but my first mobile project isn't quite finished yet.
I'd be up for public relations/creative manager as I have excellent communication skills & creativity is what I'm all about in hobbies & ambitions alike. IRL my major passion is filmmaking (mainly writing-directing) followed closely by acting. After finishing my film degree, I had written, directed and produced a WW2 feature film & am taking part in a 48 hour film competition next weekend then developing an entry for Tropfest, one of the big Australian film festivals, a short film noir, a little doco series and other things. Also have some great contacts in funding bodies, various actors and other filmmakers. Consequently, I feel "qualified" to take an active role in the story & other design elements. Could also shoot some sequences with actors here against a blue screen or do some basic sets indie-style - you'd be surprised at what can be accomplished on very little (if any) cost. A few of my contacts have large prop collections anyway - everything from replica skulls to replica weaponary (including swords and duelling pistols!), WW2 gear and more. I feel this thread could potentially be used as a gold mine for less-than-ethical developers to come and shop for ideas so we should move this onto a private sub-forum -- can someone here file a request for us to get that? That said, I do have some solid ideas I can put forth - but I refuse to put them into a public thread where anyone could utilise them & just offer a friendly recommendation you all might want to think the same way...
The thing that drew me to this concept (a "TA User's Game") is the fact that there could be an open discussion, soliciting input from idevice gaming fans at each step of the way. If someone wants to borrow an idea and run with it, more power to them. I (and probably most devs) have a long queue of game ideas that I haven't had time to execute, yet. Execution is often more important than the idea itself.