Translations for your games? Rely on kayoii!

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by jinchile, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. jinchile

    jinchile New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    #1 jinchile, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011

    This is Marcelo Jimenez, from kayoii, a translation team focused solely on Games, both for indie and big projects alike.

    We are a small team comprised by individuals who share an enthusiastic passion for games and also happen to be professional translators. What does this mean for you? Why, it means your games can reach new audiences for only a fraction of what big translation companies charge! There is no catch either; we live and breathe games, and our services comprise an informed, comprehensive language solution for your product. Everyone in the team has been a hardcore gamer for at least 10 years, which gives us a sharp edge over "ordinary" translation companies that just handle whatever is thrown at them.

    Some features of our services:

    Context Above All

    We know context is one of the most important things in any kind of translation, especially in rich, creative multimedia experiences like games.
    That's why our services are based on direct cooperation with Developers and Publishers. If you deem it necessary, we will gladly accept a copy of your game and thoroughly play it, which means the end translation will be highly context-sensitive and will carry everything that makes your game good into the target language. Players will not only understand it naturally, they will also enjoy all the thrills and humor found on the original version. Lets face it, here at kayoii we know most game translations are just plainly bad, and we are actively doing our best to change this.

    Complete Service

    Not only games themselves deserve a proper translation! That is why we can fully translate everything related to them: websites, user guides, wikis, marketing material, press releases and just about every original piece of text related to your product.

    Indie Friendly

    Some of us at kayoii are aspiring game developers, and we KNOW how hard it is to actually design, produce and release the game of your dreams. That's why kayoii offers low prices which take into account your budget. There is no catch, either; we love games, and we would rather translate stuff we love for low rates than boring technical texts for rates that most of the time do not reflect the amount of time and effort needed to render good results.

    Direct Support, No Middle-man

    We are not a big corporation. As a small team, we always directly communicate with developers and publishers to report our progress, inform of any problems and request any kind of information or support needed to deliver awesome results. This has worked just perfectly for us in the past, and we hope this is how we will continue doing things.

    Very Low Rates

    Our rates start from $0.023 USD per word, with a minimum of $5 USD total, which is basically a steal for the quality we provide. We only charge for the amount of work needed, which is why rates might rise if the work involves directly editing images and sprites, for instance.

    Right now, we can only offer translations into Spanish and Portuguese, as those are the languages we speak, and we prefer to handle everything internally as to assure the best results.
    If you need other languages, please do contact us and we can work something out!

    For more information, please do visit our site at, which includes a list of projects we have completed in the past.

    We would love to hear of you and your project, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any kind of information or have any questions. We gladly reply to every e-mail we receive - promise!

    Marcelo Jimenez from kayoii Team


    We are pleased to announce our website is finally up!

    Additionally, our first project is officially completed! We are pleased to announce the Spanish translation of Zachtronics Industries' SpaceChem, an addicting puzzle game about chemistry and fake science.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want your game translated! Our rates are cheap and indie-friendly!

    [email protected]

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