Universal [Upcoming] Dungeon x Dungeon - 2D Action Adventure

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by nyanpass, Apr 4, 2018.

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  1. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    #1 nyanpass, Apr 4, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2018
    [Upcoming] Dungeon x Dungeon - 2D Action Adventure

    Although it is focused on iOS games, I sometimes look for Android games. This is because it comes with iOS since its release on Android. I searched for an Android game and found a game that looked interesting recently. It is a game called Dungeon x Dungeon that was released by Playone (Google play). I asked the developer about the game and I received a reply that it will be released on iOS soon. :D

    The features of this game are as follows.


    The most impressive thing about this game is the ad trap on the screen. The game will be free of charge, and there is no forced advertisement. However, when the user touches the advertisement trap in the game, the advertisement comes out. This means that as you become more proficient in the game, you do not need to see your ad. Similar to how this works, there is a game called Dan the Man, which is different in that it is a rewarding advertisement. Anyway, this is interesting. It seems like a new approach to advertising between users and developers. :)

    The atmosphere of the dungeon looks ok. :eek:

    Battles with various bosses are also available. :p

    Some special skills are brilliant attacks. :cool:

    No specific launch date has yet been set, but developers say they're working on launching iOS. We seem to need to pay attention to this game. And I have requested an IAP feature to remove ads. :D

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