Universal [Upcoming] Ninja Blink - A colorful one-tap action/runner game

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by binong, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. binong

    binong New Member

    Aug 21, 2017

    Binong here! [twitter] from the Philippines and I'm presenting my upcoming second game on mobile. It will soon be available for both IOS and Android devices.

    Ninja Blink is a combination of action and platforming elements that involves blinking as its main mechanics. Its light and vibrant art style complements the difficulty of the gameplay. If you're looking for a semi-casual game with the right blend of challenge and fair gameplay then this game is for you.

    I aim to make the game something fun, challenging while not getting too stressed out while playing it.

    Here's a short trailer:

    Background Story:
    A mysterious portal suddenly appeared and swallowed your dogs. Good thing you move faster than the blink of an eye and was able to enter the portal before it disappeared. It's time to use your ninja skills and save your beloved dogs.

    Opening Cutscene

    The game will have 3 worlds. Each worlds has 10 levels which consists of unique minions and bosses that you have to face and defeat in order to retrieve your dogs. ​

    Here's one of the bosses in action.
    And yesss! It's a gigantic duck!

    World 1 Screenshot

    World 2 Sreenshot

    World 3
    By the way, I'm a solo dev and doing mostly everything from marketing, art and programming but the sound track is made by @RupertCole.

    Also, if you are a publisher or an individual and interested to hear more about our game, please contact me here or through my twitter Binong Games.
    Haegin likes this.
  2. binong

    binong New Member

    Aug 21, 2017
    I've added a cannon system for the game this weekend.
  3. binong

    binong New Member

    Aug 21, 2017
    Just stress testing my ninja's attacking skills.

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