Universal Urban legend : Shin Hayarigami – Blind man (By IPLAY) [Coming soon]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by iplayinc, Mar 2, 2018.

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  1. iplayinc

    iplayinc Member

    Feb 6, 2018
    Dear Tekchic! We will consider your idea and definitely deliver it to our developers! Thank you for your support! We hope you will love our game! :)
  2. iplayinc

    iplayinc Member

    Feb 6, 2018
    Deara Squashy! Thank you for your feedback! Every single comment is important to us and we promise English translation will be improved!
  3. iplayinc

    iplayinc Member

    Feb 6, 2018
    Dear Noharakun! We really appreciate your feedback and we are very sorry that English translation seems a bit awkward for now. We promise it will be improved and we hope our game will not disappoint you. Thank you again for your comments!
  4. iplayinc

    iplayinc Member

    Feb 6, 2018
    thank you.

    Your feedback on our game has been helpful.
    This project is our first global project.

    Japanese and Korean services have already been made.

    But it is the first time in English.

    There will definitely be a mistake.

    But I am working on it until the end.

    We do not want to disappoint the user.

    Ah. And I and the translation team who wrote this article are different people.

    The translator team has more skill and sense than me.

    March 15th. We will show you soon.

    We will do our best.

    Please look forward to.

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