Universal Warbits: Classic Turn Based Strategy Beta Test

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Risky Lab, Jan 5, 2016.

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  1. Risky Lab

    Risky Lab Well-Known Member

    We're inviting in waves by signup date/time so just sit tight. We put this info up on the 5th so there's a bit of a backlog to get through.
  2. EvilDucktator

    EvilDucktator 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Sep 28, 2011
    Walt Disney World Cast Member
    Brisbane, Australia
    iPad Pro / 6S Plus so would be useful for you. Waiting patiently though (eggmcguffin address)
    - Tony
  3. misterK

    misterK Member

    Nov 14, 2014
    Yea I just signed up 3 days ago and I'm really hoping I can get an invite l, looking forward to re-living my AW glory days
  4. Pedroapan

    Pedroapan Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    #44 Pedroapan, Feb 4, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
    For us unlucky and unpatient ones that are still waiting for our invites, would any participant be so kind as to post some impressions?

  5. nightspades

    nightspades New Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    Yeah I put my request in the day of the previous article. I just hope it comes soon, I loved AW and know that this will be great especially with asynchronous play! Hope there will be a way to make custom maps and share them.
  6. Cerxop65

    Cerxop65 Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2015
    I'd love to no when this is being released
  7. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    Any news on when the waves are scheduled to happen. Months?
  8. Risky Lab

    Risky Lab Well-Known Member

    invites will go out weekly.
  9. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    So I've been giving this a go over a few days. I'm up to section 2-3, which seems to be a bit over halfway in the "campaign".

    The game has been really smooth so far. I haven't particularly noticed any bugs or anything against the overall flow of the UI or game.
    I'll be honest, from the screenshots, before I had played the game, I was a little concerned about how close in design every unit was. They're all bound by such similar artwork. For instance the light mech vs the heavy mech. Their difference in artwork is slight. Well, some might say how so, because one is rounder, one is squarer, and one has a bigger cannon. But still, the artwork binds them all very close together. But, having now played the game, I think it's fine and its relatively easy to scout the map and tell apart all the units. That was my concern coming into the game, but it's not a problem afterall. The art work is what holds this all together.

    There's always dialogue at the start of a campaign round but it's just for flavour and it's not much at all. Good news for me, because unless it's gripping, then I'm not much of a talky talky kind of person for in game dialogue. So it's not too much. Some will appreciate the humour perhaps.

    The campaign introduces you slowly (and I mean that, and will comment next), to the mechanics of the game. Each mission introduces one new aspect, and from there it's basically a destroy all enemies or capture the building scenario.
    To me though, the campaign is moving along a little too slow. One new game mechanic per mission is a little slow. For instance, do we really need to start a new mission (map) to introduce the concept of for of war? Or to learn how to use an APC for transporting a unit, and then again for how to use a heavy carrier (?? Can't remember name), for now transporting TWO units. I just feel that one game mechanic after the other for a whole new but same mission is a touch slow.
    Sooo....that led me to jump into a multiplayer map vs an AI. And man is that wayyyyy better! All mechanics suddenly available, and no problem at all, I can see what's going on with the rest of the mechanics that I wasn't introduced to yet! Such as the energy system (those lightning points for killing guys or structures). That's a great idea! You then spend those points for a perk. Fantastic implementation right there. Just when I was worried the campaign was keeping things too same same, I see this mechanic in the multiplayer to liven things up finally. There's other aspects of the full multiplayer mode that I won't go into, but I just wanted to give an example of something that is important to the games appeal, and doesn't necessarily have to be introduced 1hour or more into a campaign. Which btw feels more like a giant tutorial!? Of course this is beta so all good. Even if you roll with it the way it is now, most will think it's great.
    So Yeh, once you're in a full multiplayer game, there's definately some strategy available to play around with.

    Some things I though could really shake this up for the better, but are rather large implementations so just throwing it out there:

    Factions - there seems to be only one lot of units available. It's the lot that everyone would expect, but maybe there's room for a mix up of units.

    Mercenaries on maps - might be cool to be able to ace to the middle of a map to capture a game changer mercenary. Or an outer edge of a map to capture a faster, more reliable, but weaker Merc.

    Commanding Officers like in AW. Need I say more. Just to spice up the strategies.

    Overall, the backdrop is set already for a new AW type entry for IOS. And there's easily some concepts you might want to consider adding.

    Ps hope I haven't said too much. Let me know if I need to edit this, but I saw the dev said comments are ok in this forum on the previous page so I've gone ahead..
  10. Risky Lab

    Risky Lab Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the writeup! Lemme tackle some points here.

    The final game will have 20 Campaign missions, the last 4 are missing from the current build.

    Awesome, great to hear.

    This is a tough one. We have to strike a balance between players that grew up with Advance Wars and... everyone else.
    The first 2 sectors are for getting the new players up to speed. Sectors 3, 4, and 5 have way less hand holding, so I urge you to try them out. We had done some mission balancing before the Beta started, so we might need to go back and increase the difficulty a bit in the later missions.

    All fun ideas but it's just two of us working on Warbits, and we want to get it out the door.

    This is where our charge/power system comes in. Advance Wars is well known for having unbalanced COs, our solution was to give players access to all of the powers.

    Nope, feel free! Love hearing feedback.
  11. Cerxop65

    Cerxop65 Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2015
    I can't wait for this hype level : 1000
  12. misterK

    misterK Member

    Nov 14, 2014
    Hey I know you said you would be sending out weekly invites, but how would we get notified? Through email? Through the App Store? I filled out the Google form 2+ weeks ago and just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing the invite somehow.
    Thanks :)
  13. Risky Lab

    Risky Lab Well-Known Member

    Hey misterK, we're waiting for Apple to approve a new build right now. As soon as that's through we'll be sending out 50 new invites.

    When we send out invites you should get an email from apple's testflight program, as well as an invitation to our Slack channel.

    We're just inviting people in the order they signed up, so it might take some time.
    We'll do our best to get to everyone!
  14. Risky Lab

    Risky Lab Well-Known Member

    Just sent out a batch of invites! Have fun!
  15. Pedroapan

    Pedroapan Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    Pockettactics wrote a piece on this:


    Looking great!

  16. Ben!

    Ben! Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
    Chicago, IL
    Invitations still going out?
  17. Risky Lab

    Risky Lab Well-Known Member

    Yup, just sent out a bunch this afternoon.
  18. luckystrikeguy

    luckystrikeguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Damn luck just isn't on my side. At least it will release soon.
  19. Cerxop65

    Cerxop65 Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2015
    Thanks for the invite :)
  20. danieljin

    danieljin Active Member

    Feb 23, 2016
    when is the date of release? sorry for bad english:)

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