Being obnoxious against a harmless site mascot is a pretty lame thing to do. But removing all your accounts just because some random sucker on the internet doesn't like what you post is kind of overreacting as well imo. That said: I miss Maglor and hope he will make a comeback. Those threads just arent the same without an official 'DAT 5 STARS' cat
We got Eli here on it folks! Good to see folks care about Malgor, but where did people complain about the cat? What article comment section was the straw that broke the camel's back?
^Guess it must be this one: Or at least one of them. I really didnt paid attention.
Ha Haa! So did you# Matta of fact, when iz hiz Birthday? When iz your Birthday? When iz any1'z Birthday? Another part for him to see from us to come back. Hey Maglor! When iz your Birthday Yo!? We wanna know#
so glad to see all the maglor love here. glad i'm not the only one. harmless and fun. the internet needs more of that. he always had unfettered excitement over new games. isn't that why we're all here anyway?
Hard to his birthday could change up to nine times. Maybe he just had his ninth, which could explain his absence