I love uggles and get very addicted to getting a higher score -keep coming back for more with this one. Also sally's spa has got me addicted until I finish it.
First and Formost, Slay Then Peggle iScopa Symbolism and Most of my Tower Defense Games: Particularly: 7Cities, Beseigment, Fieldruners, iTD, and TapDefense.
definitely GeoDefense. It's hard, but satisfying, so you will continue to make progress but it will take a while to beat. and it is VERY addicting.
I dunno really... Top Gun is probably one.. I just like how you could dodge missles and fire them back like crazy. A bit of challenge, but short lol
I've played a lot but to this day, nothing keeps me coming back like cuberunner. All other games I might be addicted to for a week for two, but cuberunner is something I've had for a while and it never gets old. Great game to pick up and enjoy for 5 minutes.
Most games don't work Mine is peggle because it is a great game and the only game out of the hundreds I've downloaded that works with no issues at all
Doodle Jump and Parachute Panic. Perfect Balance Inferno is also pretty addictive, but i try not to play it as much for fear of beating it.
I'd say [app]Billionaire[/app] is my most addictive app, especially the 3 minute mode. My girlfriend can spend 30 minutes saying "just 1 more game"