Widgets and applications go mobile with iPhone

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by ConkurentLLC, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. ConkurentLLC

    ConkurentLLC New Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Conkurent’s Development team having iPhone Developers with solid experience in developing iPhone based applications, who created quite a few modules for Rapid Development & Deployment of new iPhone Applications is expanding the network of its customers.

    Conkurent Software and Web Development provides complete solutions which include web service applications, Web / Desktop based backend Admin/CMS for management of data & content used by iPhone applications.
    Valeriy Vlasyuk, CEO of Conkurent Software And Web Development, says: ”Our objective is providing superior development services to our clients by utilizing the best strategy of onshore coordination team with the offshore qualified development team”.

    Conkurent Software and Web Development offers vendor services in the following areas:
    * iPhone Business Application Development
    * iPhone Multimedia Application Development
    * iPhone Internet Apps Development
    * iPhone GPS Based Application Development
    * iPhone Entertainment Application Development
    * iPhone Gaming Application Development
    * iPhone 3.0 SDK Applications Development
    * iPhone Utility Apps Development

    Please, contact us to discuss your current projects:

    Conkurent Software And Web Development LLC
    Tel.:/Fax.: 1.224.548.8594

    [email protected]

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