Universal [ WIP ] Alien Wall - Brick Breaker meets Invader

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by preussie, May 23, 2016.

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  1. preussie

    preussie Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Hi there,

    Yes, I know there are zillons of Brick Breaker clones out there in the AppStore, but I alway wanted to create one - and I found this nice space asset... so, here is my interpretation of this genre :). It developed into a genre mix between a Brick Breaker and a shooter.

    It is a ‘work in progress’ video, still a lot of work to do...

    The yellow ‘plasma orbs’ are deflected by your spaceship and kills the aliens. The blue ones are power-up orbs which fills up your extra-weapon-energy. The player can activate any of the active extra-weapons from the button list on the left. Any of the remaining balls can be launched for multiball.

    Current extra weapons are:
    • Instant plasma orb push ( can be used as ball saver or to redirect plasma orbs )
    • Power Barrier ( Ball Saver )
    • Power Burst ( full screen width burst )
    • Laser Cannon ( player ship fires laser )
    • Self shooting plasma orbs
    • Gravity Holes ( the player can guide the gravity, plasma orbs are following )
    • There are no power downs

    Since this project is still under construction additional ideas are always welcome :)

    Attached Files:

  2. Wrath

    Wrath Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    I think this is looking really good so far! Good job! :)
  3. mj132

    mj132 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    United Kingdom
    Look great so far can't wait to see how this progress and help test it if you have an open beta
  4. Cccee

    Cccee Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    Sounds like a cool idea!! Good luck. Will be watching.
  5. preussie

    preussie Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Thank for the encouraging comments :)
    The release will include iPad support. Planned release date is end of June...
  6. ksr

    ksr Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
    nice background; question about controls

    Nice background -- I like the high-quality graphics, and how the planet's slowly rotate! Question about controls... how do you control the ship? A lot of games in this genre have a drag-to-move mechanism, which I find cumbersome, particularly as my finger blocks much of the screen. How does shooting work? Are there on-screen buttons?
  7. preussie

    preussie Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    The ships follows your finger movement - but it does not matter where on the screen your touch starts. So you don't have to touch the ship itself. At least on larger screens ( iPhone 6/6+ & iPad ) there is plenty of room beneath the ship ( for the finger ).

    I am currently testing an optional 'fast move mode'. In this mode the ship will move twice as fast as your finger slides, so you need less room for your finger. But this might feel a bit 'unnatural'.

    Yes, you need to activate each extra weapon with a 'tap' on its icon. That done it works automatically. One exception is the 'gravity' extra. After activation, you can guide it with the slide of your finger...

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