Universal Zarista Games’ Cursed Stone expansion for Redshift’s The Quest - Open Betatesting

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Catacomber, Dec 13, 2015.

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  1. Gondel516

    Gondel516 Active Member

    Dec 14, 2015
    The sword can be a separate thing, from its own quest, I just want it to be a challenge to fully beat him, and take most of the game to finally knock him down.

    I think maybe you should have to talk to the tiger before each fight, like the beginning to Hol 3. That way it doesn't chase around unprepared players

    When are we looking at the first beta?:)
  2. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #42 Catacomber, Dec 18, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    DeMenchev thought it would be good to have two uogradeable swords so Repulsa can give a sword that grows in power if you bring her a magical artifact.

    You can talk to the tiger before each fight.

    Maybe the last magical artifact to kill or cure him can be found on Hy-Brasil.

    We wait on Elendil for the first beta. He has it but has to load it into Testflight and Apple has to approve it.

    But that beta was before all the new testers were added so it won't be as exciting to you. This will be a big upgrade with many bugs cleared.

    Can I start putting in Hy-Brasilia? And what is it like? A concatenation of all Lovecraftian horror spots?
  3. Gondel516

    Gondel516 Active Member

    Dec 14, 2015
    Ok cool so which sword will be used to fight the tiger?
  4. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    Repulsa's Sword :)

    And perhaps Hy-Brasilia can be a small beautiful,Iskand with a temple with a pool and when you enter the pool you swim down into nightmarish abysses-just watched the end of Dagon. :eek::eek:

    Perhaps the last artifact to enhance her sword and the last artifact to create the projector can be found there with the beautiful Snake Giddess.
  5. Gondel516

    Gondel516 Active Member

    Dec 14, 2015
    That would be awesome!
  6. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #46 Catacomber, Dec 18, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    Ii just put Repulsa's Sword(s) in. Now just have to figure out what to upgrade them with. It was DeMenchev's idea to have her sword and the Giant's Jewelled Sword be similarly upgradeable so the player winds up with one really good Light Weapon that drains HP and one really good Heavy Weapon that drains HP. Now just need to know if I can start on Hy-Brasil. : ) And if I can start putting in your dialogue Gondel and your Tiger. : )

    I can't put DeMenchev and Nullzone's dialogues in until I know how they want their quests to work but there's time--nobody ever knows how long it will take Apple to approve something and Elendil may still be finishing his work of iphoneizing the beta.

    And just to make sure I know what I'm doing---I'm designing quests for:

    Repulsa--we already know that's to upgrade the swords because she wants us to be able to tame your tiger.

    Cofunguy--can add something interesting--but I need to know what kind of reward you want to give for your quest.




    @Nullzone, DMenchev, Aconfusedkender, Dreadnok--I need to know what quest rewards you want to give or I'll put one in and can change it later.


    I'm adding some books -- can write some about any topic in new quests. : )
  7. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #47 Catacomber, Dec 18, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    Elendil assures me we should have the beta really soon. But some of you have to let me know certain things so I can put certain things into the next version. I would like to finish up the quests if possible. : ) And put in R'Lyeh...that is Hy-Brasil. : )

    There is no pressure--I see that you're all developing some really good quests--I just want you to know that for the next version I will have to do some more work but won't know what work yet until you let me know. : )
  8. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Ohhhhh my goodness!!! hope I get my TestFlight invite psoon so I can check out my sword :D Catacomber I have a question, do you know if Redshift will ever consider adding iPad support for the Quest? I would love to be able to play on my iPad :)
  9. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #49 Catacomber, Dec 18, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    @ Repulsa--Your sword won't be in the first TestFlight beta you get as I sent that to Elendil before many people signed up. It will be in the second version which am working on now. :)

    You can play the original version of the Quest on your iPad now. It doesn't look that bad.

    As far as the Hi-Res version, They are going to try to make the base game work for iPad. The hi-res version still,uses the old engine tweaked to make the hires graphics work. I think they have to take this step by step. Currently Elendil says the editor isn't useable so the hi-res base game can't play the expansions even on PC.

    They said if the OC version is successful,the next step is to bring the hi-res base game to iPad. That's PC not OC. Can't correct it on my iPad.
  10. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Oh ok lol I had no idea. So how do you get it on the iPad? I don't see it in the App Store and it doesn't show in my purchase history
  11. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    You should have a button - top left if I remember right - that says "iPad only". Tap and change to "iPhone". I installed Lost Archipelagos today with no problems.
    Might have to get the old iPod out again, it's incredibly ugly when scaled up :(
  12. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    In the App Store there's a little toggle to show iPhone or iPad games. If you're on your iPad, it will default to,show iPad games and if you're on an iPhone it will default to show iPhone games. So switch that toggle to iohonevand in search type the Quest and it should show up. I've been playing on my iPad for a long time but when I looked for one of our expansions I had the same question you did and panicked and asked Elendil what happened to our expansions and he explained the stupid toggle. Correcting my typo above- switch that toggle to iPhone
  13. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Wow there are a ton of games I didn't think I could play on my iPad that I actually can :) thanks guys btw the quest looks wonderful on my iPad mini 2 I really don't see any difference graphics wise at all
  14. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #54 Catacomber, Dec 20, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
    I sent everyone a new Quest list with all your new quests in. If anyone is unhappy with their quest in any way please let me know via pm here or email or send me a Facebook message. Repulsa I have a small typo in your name in the quest list that I since found and fixed. Sorry.

    The first beta you get will not have you or your quests in the Astrologers' Guild because I sent the beta to Elendil over a week ago before you all joined.

    We wait now for the Test flight invitation from Elendil. The beta is with Apple's beta review team. Don't know how long that takes.

    But I'll have the new beta ready to send to Elendil by Monday. I have 77% of your new quests in.

    So when you get the beta invitation, open the beta in Testflight but just walk around, fight monsters, look for typos and get a feel for the world and wait for the next one that will have your quests. I'm enjoying putting all your quests in. I hope you'll enjoy playing them and like your items. I added a lot of spells.

    Thanks for all your help. This is turning out to be a great adventure and I'm happy to have you all with me.
  15. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Ready to go and super excited thanks for making me a part of the fun :)
  16. Gondel516

    Gondel516 Active Member

    Dec 14, 2015
    How do I do TestFlight, is it a PC App, or can I do it from my phone? I have a computer just don't know much about it
  17. cachecat

    cachecat Member

    Oct 2, 2014
    Wow I am incredibly hype for a new Quest expanions! :D
  18. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    It's an iOS app. If I remember right, once Cat sends out the emails for the test, those also have a link for installing it.
    Or you can download it directly from the Appstore, here: https://appsto.re/nl/W4wM1.i
    It's really easy to use. But if you have questions or run into problems, ask away ;)
  19. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #59 Catacomber, Dec 22, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
    Cachecat added to testers. Meow! Sent your email to Elendil.

    The quests are all in now.

    Current Quest List attached--Cachecat now gives the Coat of Arms quest.

    The TestFlight email will come from Elendil. He tells me the beta is still with Apple waiting for approval.

    There's nothing I can do about that. I hope you'll all stick with me.

    It's a big file and I can't add any more quests now. But if anyone still wants to test, I can give you a shop. :)

    Attached Files:

  20. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    I just got my TestFlight email and have started the game ... just going around the village talking to people and getting my quests. So far so good, I hevent noticed anything amiss :)

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